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This proposal is to setup the wind power turbines which are capable of producing 150 MW amount of energy for the people living in surrounding of BIN QASIM, outskirts of Karachi. Windmill electricity is one of the best renewable sources of energy available today. As we work towards better options to generate electricity, windmill electricity is becoming more popular. Soaring electrical costs are forcing many people to look into alternative. The wind turbines are setup all across the coastal area of BIN QASIM, outskirts of Karachi. This power plant is capable of generating 150MW of the power. This project is not possible without help of government. So it is necessary to take permission from government and to provide land to send up the turbines and power engines. To manufacture the turbines we will contract with the Nordex and Descon Engineering Limited. This company is specialized in mechanical design of the turbines. NEED OF THE PROJECT: Pakistan is facing the energy crisis from few past years. The demand of the energy is more than that of it is currently produced in Pakistan. So if we start set up wind mills on coastal areas that will decrease the short fall. It is also very cheap and quick method of producing the reasonable amount of energy for that area. Pakistan industry is lacking behind due to short fall of energy so this would help them to re establish themselves. It will reduce the dependence on imported fuel and oil and will save Pakistan $45 million.

TIME FRAME OF THE PROJECT: The total time period required to complete this project is approximately 2 years. BUDGET OF THE PROJECT: Initially the budget set for this project is 32 billion.

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