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Marketing Principles Study Guide for Exam #2: Ch. 7 ~ 12 Ch 7: 1. Understand the importance of global markets. 2.

What are areas firms need to evaluate when conducting global market assessment? What are components in each area? 3. What are the entry options available to firms? 4. Understand the global market mix (i.e. 4P strategies). Ch 8: 1. Understand the concepts such as segmentation, targeting, positioning, repositioning, perceptual map, etc. 2. Understand the STP process 3. Explain different segmentation strategies 4. Explain different segmentation methods. Ch 9: 1. Understand the process of conducting market research. Define objective and design the research project, data collection, analyzing data, presenting results 2. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of primary and secondary data. When to use primary/secondary data 3. Understand different research methods associated with exploratory and conclusive research. Ch 10: 1. Understand the concepts of product assortment, category, breadth and depth, SKU, brand equity, brand extension, cobranding, brand licensing, brand dilution, etc. 2. What makes a brand and what are values a brand bring? 3. Different branding strategies for manufacturers and retailers. Ch 11: 1. What is the Diffusion of Innovation? 2. Understand the new product development process. 3. What is a product life cycle? What are the stages in the product life cycle? Understand the characteristics of the different stages. Ch 12: 1. Differences between services and products. 2. What is GAPS model? How to reduce each gap? 3. How do firms recover form a service failure?

In addition, please expect questions from class discussions and exercises.

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