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PandaLabs, Panda Security's antimalware laboratory, has reported on A new Trojan has been discovered DarkAngle that steals

users confirmation information like pass words, banking details, etc. Nothing unusual about this, just one more to add to the more than 73,000 new viruses that appear every day. However, there is somet hing truly special about this new piece of malware It tries to pass itself off as our Panda Cloud Antivirus ( ). It uses the well-known Panda icon to trick users, who may think they are actu ally installing our antivirus software. See image here http://pandalabs.pandasec Once run, DarkAngle logs all commands entered by the user and sends them to an e xternal server. In addition, it loads up every time the user reboots the compute r, making sure it logs the victims data at all times. Furthermore, it uses stealt h techniques to bypass antivirus engines. Panda Cloud Antivirus is one of the best free antivirus programs available, as s hown by the millions of users who rely on it to protect their PCs from the cloud . Cyber-criminals know this and try to exploit the softwares popularity to spread their creations. Actually, this is not the first time that they have done somet hing like this, nor will it be the last. For this reason, wed like to take this o pportunity to warn you and advise you that if you want to use Panda Cloud Antivi rus, you should download it from its official website, or the products Facebook page ( 78), where you will find a free 6-month trial of Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro. The blog posting is available at: About PandaLabs Since 1990, PandaLabs, Panda Securitys malware research laboratory, has been work ing to detect and classify malware in order to protect consumers and companies a gainst new Internet threats. To do so, PandaLabs uses Collective Intelligence, a cloud-based proprietary system that leverages the knowledge gathered from Pandas user community to automatically detect, analyse and classify the more than 73,0 00 new malware strains that appear every day. This automated malware classificat ion is complemented through the work of an international team with researchers s pecialized each in a specific type of malware (viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware and other attacks) to provide global coverage. Get more information about PandaL abs and subscribe to its blog news feed at For more information: Visit our main website or our dedicated press site PR Contact: Neil Martin Tel. 0844 335 3791 Follow us on: Facebook - 3347893 Twitter - Youtube -

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