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Rrgular travellers: commuters Meilssa rrancis, caror Scott

Nr'l,,orr ,rrrrl lravel to biqger centres cvery week,

ancr L.iz


Wilson (on right) at Nelson Airltort this morning, are happy to live in

Sl,rait crossing offers 'perfect' lifestyle choice

going rro111;11 lll;11 ilthere's a plane ' r ,r,,lr r)u() Mtrttrlay morning, \Vll I irrglon wonld lose half of its l'l'r ;rp;rllility," she said. ,,We all

I ilr il l r;lllV t:i rllCd FYOnde. '" 1'l rr ,r'r:'s crrrrently joke

l\lr I r, rr lvoman Melissa Fyancis ,,lr,rrl,, (tvo rtays a week in \\',,llrrrr;lorr, rvorking for an IT
r rr

for almost

who had been doing 13 years. "I'he commute is


with his wife and four their extcnded lamily.

children to be closer to
He started doing four days a woek in Wellington, where he

wouldn't be able to get the role that I'nr doing [in Wellington] in
Nelsor.r," he said.

nothing. I worild say it's ttvo hours door to door. My commute is

less than some people


,rlrlr llrc ltlatre on Monday rrr rr'1 i 11y, il 's like a bus service tt", rlrritc Iirnny." Ms Fyancis said ,1r,, lirrcw of another commuter, \1 ltil wol'l(cd in the IT industry,


commuting from Upper Melissa Francis

Ms F?ancis' colleague, Matt Thompson, has been

and his farnily lived for 15 years, and has slowly whittled it down to two.

doing the commute for three years, after he moved to Nelson

"Wellington is really the IT capital in New Zealand. There are jr.rst far more opportunities for me. I probably

Ms ]rrancis said commuters were otten aged 40-plus, most had workeri overseas, and many had grown-up families. She said living in Nelson was about lifestyle, "and you need a way to support that bad habit',.

"You get yoru city and your

latte fix, bad weather flx, and then you come home and it's a nice rural lifestyle. It's pedect."

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