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MEANING Write the correct words in the blanks Composer conducted Offered condition

widow contaminated

1. A musician plays music. A ____________ writes music. 2. Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky agreed to the ______________. Then the woman sent the money. 3. Her husband died. Now she is a ____________. 4. You shouldnt drink _____________ water. Its dirty and can make you sick. 5. A rich woman wanted to give Tchaikovsky money. She _____________ him money. 6. Tchaikovsky directed the musicians and they played his music. He _____________ the musicians.

USE Work with a partner to answer these questions. Use complete sentences. 1. What does a composer do?

2. A friend come to your house. What drink do you usually offer?

3. Where does a person stand when he or she conducts musicians?

4. In your country, do widows usually marry again?

5. You are going to take a new job on one condition. What is the condition?

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UNDERSTANDING THE READING Circle the letter of the correct answer 1. Tchaikovsky wrote ______________ a. symphonies b. books

c. poems

2. Tchaikovsky was ___________. a. a happy man b. afraid of many things successful in his life

c. not

3. For many years Tchaikovsky ___________ a. was sick and stayed b. was afraid to write symphonies b. received money from a woman

REMEMBERING DETAILS Reread the passage and answer the questions. 1. Where did Tchaikovsky study music?

2. Who was the mysterious woman?

3. How long did the woman and Tchaikovsky write to each other?

4. What did the woman offer to send Tchaikovsky every year?

5. How old was Tchaikovsky when he died?

6. What is the name of one of Tchaikovskys ballets?

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UNDERSTANDING THE SEQUENCE Which happened first? Write 1 on the line. Which happened second? Write 2 on the line. 1. _____ Tchaikovsky wrote his first symphony _____ Tchaikovsky became famous 2. _____ Madame von Meck offered to send Tchaikovsky money. _____ Tchaikovsky received a letter 3. _____ Tchaikovsky studied law. _____ Tchaikovsky studied music 4. _____ Tchaikovsky died _____ Madame von Meck stopped writing letters.

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