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The Oscillating Ivory Tower ( II Part Series) In a village long ago nestled in its timely abode The ancient

spring flowed freely on its barbed wire connection Swinging on a nice wide swing in the late month of June Off to the wayside battered in its elementary dew We lie in wait to deceive the grafted cheese Alluding to the wild chosen asps quite a mystery; Out of the madness no idol flame to quiver One must be eager to which to deliver Shades of grey fallen loosely on the pale gloom of nature's way In silence shelter delivers its page turned ordinance The lively troll use to yo yo in its extremities Challenged by the encumbent ambiance of its pivotal fall To the no it all a challenge to be set free Underneath the roof a cover up scheme Shaped through the turbulance a traffic of new ideals Some have ellevated into a corpse filled mission Shattered again by its unique glaze to swell A tune that everyone knows all to well The license to become our own king yet Did anybody hear the door bell ring?

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