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Photosynthesis and Cell Transport Practice

Photosynthesis Practice:
1. A plant cell processes sunlight and water within the chloroplasts to produce ATP and what waste-product?

2. The light independent process of photosynthesis produces _____________________________________.

3. The light dependent process of photosynthesis produces _______________________________________.
4. The light independent process of photosynthesis is also called___________________________________.
5. The light independent process of photosynthesis produces what product?

6. Sugars produced during photosynthesis are used for __________________________________________.

7. Photosynthesis happens within an organelle called ___________________________________________.
8. In nature, an animal will eat a food source for energy, while a plant has to do what process to make
9. The source of energy for photosynthesis is __________________________, while the source of matter (or
stuff) is ______________________.
10. __________________________ is split apart so its individual atoms can be recombined into
11. ___________________ is the energy source of the light-dependent reaction.
12. ___________________ is the energy source for the light-independent reaction.

Cell Transport Practice:

13. _________________________ transport requires ATP energy.
14. Both ________________________ and _________________________ transport do not require energy.
15. To answer any question about cell transport, you must know and be able to identify two things. Those two
things are:
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
16. What are two things that simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion have in common?
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________

17. What is the major difference between simple and facilitated diffusion?

18. This is an example of _________________________.

19. This is an example of _________________________.

20. This is an example of _________________________.

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