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Paladin tanks differ to other tanking classes when it comes to generating threat.

Yes paladins generate threat by striking an enemy with normal melee attacks and abilities but they also generate threat via returned damage to mobs when holy shield and aura of retribution is active. Most of the threat produced by a protection paladin is caused by holy damage so causing the maxium amount of holy damage is top priority. Thankfuly we have the Righteous Fury ability to boost which not only increases threat form holy damage by 80% percent but with the talent Improved rightous fury damage is decreased by 6%. The down side is making sure it is active before pulling a mob. Due to death or a wipe Righteous Dury may not be reactivated. I have made that mistake before and needs constant vigilance. ALLWAYS MAKE SURE RIGHTEOUS FURY IS ACTIVE. It shouldnt realy need to be said but having the majority of talents in the protection tree is necessary to be a decent tank. Having the 5 points in Deflection is a good choice but any more points in Retribution would be a waste of a talent. The 3 main tanking abilities bought with talent points are Holy shield, Avenger's Shield and the Hammer of the Righteous. Holy Shield Holy Shield is an excelent tool with the 30% block increased and the returned holy damage. As its on an 8 second cooldown and lasts for 10 seconds it is possible to haf this ability constantly active. Avenger's Shield Avenger's Shield can be used to start a pull but against casters it can be used to silence them and draw them to yourself. As Avenger shield hits the first target and then leaps to 2 additional targets care needs to be taken to not pull aditional mobs but it will avoid mobs that have been CC. Avenger's Shields cooldown is quite a long time with having to wait 30 seconds for it to be aviable. Pick your targets carefuly going for casters first. Hammer of the Righteous Hammer of the Righteous provides additional aoe holy damage as it can hit up to 3 targets and with the proper glyph can hit up to 4 targets. This should be used in conjuction with consecration. Its on a 6 second cooldown and should be cast asap. Consecration Consecration is the main aoe ability for holding treat onto a paladin. This ability needs to be cast imediatly after a pull to start causing holy damage on mobs and keep the aggro of dps and the healer. Its on a 9 second cooldown so should be cast as soon as it becomes aviable. Watch out for CC mobs as it will break it. Shield of the Righteous

The ability which causes the most damage a paladin can do to a single mob. It has a 6 second cast time and should be used to keep constant threat. Judgements The Paladin has 3 different judgements aviable to him. Judgement of Light (hits on the mob heals the attacker), Judgement of wisdom (hits on the mob restores the mana of the attacker) and Judgement of Justice (lowering the movement speed of a mob). Over all Judgement of Light will be used the most with the change to Wisdom if the need arises. All judgements have a 10 second cooldown time. Sacred Shield Primarly a healing device the 600 damage absorption shoud not be ignored. Seal of Vengeance Although there are other seals aviable to a paladin with the glyph of seal of vengeance which improves your expertise by ten. Divine Plea Normaly would be seen as a tanking ability whith the glyph of divine plea damage caused against you is reduced by 3%. With the talent Guarded by the Light this ability can be active constantly and any damage reduction is a winner. Arcane Torrent Only aviable to the blood elf paladin (for the horde) this ablility shouldnt be overlooked. Being able to silence a caster an drag them back in to aoe with the rest of the mobs can save time and other members of the group being targeted. Also the 6% mana return is a bonus. Divine Protection 50% damage reduction for 12 seconds. Save it for bosses and use when healers mana is becoming low or the target is throwing out alot of damage. Potentialy a life saver! Threat Rotation

Defence Cap Once your defence is 540 or slightly above stamina becomes your major concern. Having large amounts of hit points makes surviving a boss that much easier. Gear Enchants Gear Enchants Slot Bonus Notes / Source (if not from an

enchanter) Head Shoulders Chest Back Wrists Hands Legs Feet Shield Weapon +37 Stamina and +20 Defense Argent Crusade - Revered +20 Dodge and +15 Defense +22 Defense +16 Defense +40 Stamina +10 Parry and +2% Threat +55 Stamina and +22 Agility +22 Stamina +20 Defense +25 Hit and +25 Crit rating May sub with +40 Block Value May sub with +26 Agility or +20 Strength Frosthide Leg Armor Sons of Hodir - Exalted May sub with +10 to all stats May sub with +22 Agility

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