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Name: Brittany Robertson

Subject/Time: Math/12:351:30 Overview

Date: 11-1-12

Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards. 8C1.S/U3 Create a number sentence given a word problem.

Objective(s) SWBAT: Students will be able to solve word problems by using subtraction.

Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: Anchor Charts 1. Word problems A word problem is a story with numbers and words that you have to solve. Some word problems are addition (+) and some word problems are subtraction (-) Subtraction Clue Words Minus difference take/took away less than left how many more 2. Steps for Solving a Subtraction Word Problem

1. Read the word problem. 2. Find my clue words to tell me if Im adding or subtracting. 3. Write my number sentence using the information from the word problem. 4. Find the answer!
Modifications/ Accommodations Extra problems for students who finish early. Circulating to help struggling students (these students are identified through comprehension checks.) Materials & Technology

Chart paper Markers Worksheet/exit ticket



Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing?

Do Now (2 minutes): Last week, we learned about word problems. I want you to think back to last week, Students are sitting in listening position. and try to rememberwhat is a word problem? (Think-pair-share) Students are cold-called using sticks to choose who will share what a word problem is. I Do Input: (10 minutes) Read the anchor charts and point to the words as you read them. Word problems A word problem is a story with numbers and words that you have to solve. Some word problems are addition (+) and some word problems are subtraction (-) Today, we are going to be solving subtraction word problems! Here are clue words we should look for when we are reading a subtraction word problem Subtraction Clue Words difference take/took away have left how many more Now, I need to know my steps for solving a subtraction word problem Steps for Solving a Subtraction Word Problem

What are the Students Doing?

Students are following carpet rules.

1. Read the word problem. 2. Find my clue words to tell me if Im adding or subtracting. 3. Write my number sentence using the information from the word problem. 4. Find the answer!
Put up a new anchor chart with two I Do problems to model how to solve subtraction word problems. Problem #1: Miss Robertson had 5 apples. She gave 2 apples away. How many apples does she have left?

So, Im using my anchor chart to help me remember the steps I have to use to solve a subtraction word problem. Hmmm. First, I have to read the problem. Ok, Miss Robertson. Ok, now step 2, I have to find my clue words. My clue words? Where can I find the clue words?...Oh yeah! Those are on my other chart! Ok(Model scanning the problem to find any clue words. When you find them, circle them to show that you found them.) Now, I know that I am subtracting! Now, I have to write my number sentence using the information from the word problemSo I have to write my big number firstwhich is 5! Then I know its subtracting, so I have to write my subtraction sign. 5 minus.. oh! Theres my other number Im subtracting, 2. So 5 2 = .Now my last step is to find the answer! Im going to use my counting back strategy to help me solve that.I have to make sure I label my answer.So, my label is apples. Problem #2: Mrs. Griffith ate 7 cookies. Miss Kowalski ate 6 cookies. How many more cookies did Mrs. Griffith eat than Miss Kowalski? (Model your thinking, the same as you did for problem #1) We Do Guided Practice: (10 min.) Post a new anchor chart with two more examples for the students to complete as a group. Problem #1: You picked 17 flowers. Your friend picked 8 flowers. How many more flowers did you pick than your friend? What is my first step? Draw sticks for a student to name the first step. (Students should answer read the problem.) What do I do next? (Find the clue words.) Whats my next step? (Write the number sentence using information from the word problem.) What do I do last? (Find my answer.) Draw one more stick for a student to name the answer. Problem #2: There were 11 pictures on the board. Miss Robertson took 5 away. How many are left now? What is my first step? Draw sticks for a student to name the first step. (Students should answer read the problem.) What do I do next? (Find the clue words.) Whats my next step? (Write the number sentence using information from the word problem.) What do I do last? (Find my answer.) You Do Independent Practice: (10 min.) Students sit in their desks in listening position. Students are sitting in listening position.

Students are being coldcalled to answer questions.

When I say go, you are going to take a sheet from the center of your table, and write your name and date at the top. Then, you will put your pencil at the top of your desk and sit in listening position. Read aloud the first story problem. When I say go, grab your pencil and begin working on the first story problem. When you are finished, put your pencil back at the top of your desk, and put your head down. Make sure you are following the steps from our anchor chart! Go!
I will circulate to look for students who need extra support.

Students take a paper from the middle of their table and begin working at a level 0.

When students finish with first problem, read aloud the second problem.

When I say go, grab your pencil and begin working on the second story problem. When you are finished, put your pencil back at the top of your desk, and put your head down. Make sure you are following the steps from our anchor chart! Go!
When all students are finished with the You Do, go over the problems together as a class. Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment: (3 minutes)

Exit ticket will be copied on the back of the You Do. There is one subtraction word problem. Read the problem to them and then set the timer for 3 minutes. You are going to work all by yourself to complete your exit ticket. If you want, you can cover up your work so others cant see. Im going to read the problem, and then when I say go, you will grab your pencil and begin working at a level 0. When you are finished, turn your paper over and you can play a math tub game with your elbow partner.
Closing/Preview for next lesson:

Second graders, I am so proud of you for solving those subtraction word problems today. What are some clue words we can look for in a subtraction word problem? (left, take/took away, how many more?)

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