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Michael Sell

Visual Essay Write-up

I chose the topic of love for my visual essay. Ive seen the word thrown around so carelessly throughout my life, particularly in high school relationships and using the word to describe a love for something petty. I myself am guilty. It made me wonder if the word love is even definable. I chose the side of the argument that says yes, it is. However, upon further thought, I realized that every person could define the word love, and really any descriptive word for that matter, differently. In my opinion the word is used more to describe an emotional attachment to a person, or object in some instances. I believe love to be simple rather than complicated, and that is what I based my presentation off of. I chose a simple red background to represent what I believe to be the color of love. The black lettering of the opening line, as well as the closing line, serve to show that these statements are ones I believe to be set in stone for the purpose of my message. The white font color of all the other lines was chosen because I wanted them to appear as if on a blank slate, open to the interpretation of the viewer. The picture of the dictionary is served to show the simplicity of the definition they offer, the almost scientific viewing of the word love. The picture of the multiple lines of I love you was chosen because I believe the multiple colors represent the multiple interpretations of the word love. Jesus was chosen to represent another opinion because I believe him to be one of the founding sources of what is selfless love. The woman simply appears to be in love with the man she is leaning against, which is why that picture was chosen. I chose the song I Wont Give Up by Jason Mraz because quite simply, it is one of my favorite love songs of the more recent music that has come out. It doesnt compare to Journeys Faithfully but I digress. I used Google images advanced search to locate my images, and used iTunes to get the song onto the iMovie slideshow.

Michael Sell

Visual Essay Write-up

Sources for Images:,133181836 8,2/stock-photo-phrase-i-love-you-different-colors-of-colored-markers97756826.jpg

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