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Summary: Leading global food service retailer 32000 outlets in 117 different countries Stand-alone restaurant operator with counter and drive-thru service Majorly handled by a franchisee or an affliate.

All time low of 2005 Reasons:
Mclibel trial Eric Schlossers book Fast Food Nation General disquiet about obesity and fast food the film Supersize Me

The Start
Appointment of the new CEO Overhaul in Top management to usher cultural change Rigorous self and customer analysis The new brand story:
Progressive Burger Company

Emphasis on Qualitative projects

The steps
A grown up menu for adults Healthier happy meals for children

Makeover for the restaurant

Inviting new look Encouraging new attitude

Series of new innovative ideas

Use of Communication to build trust

Setting up of a new transparent communication system Launch of Make up your own mind website First restaurant chain to include nutritional labeling onto their packaging The Mc-Job campaign

Engagement with advertising

Introduction of Happy Meal The Thats What Makes McDonalds campaign Econometric study to refine media selection

Resultant success
Business performance
11 consecutive quarters of growth 2009 growth in sales of 8.5% Outstripped the growth shown by the overall fast food sector

Consumer perceptions
Improvement in brand image among consumers Establishment of the brand as open and transparent one by customers

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