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Hi Blue, You should be hearing from us individually based on the user experience.

I will send comments when I have them, not as a group.

My first question/comment has to do with getting back to the home page or login page. Once I drilled down into a specific topic, I was not able to escape to the main menu without hitting the back buttom. This seemed combersome as I had to reverse all my entries to literally backout. Should I be doing something different?

Two things. How do you get data into the system? Second, when I click on the "Get Record" button, I get an error. The then the error message persists regardless of where I want to navigate. I must exit the system to start over.

SErver Error received when attempting to add attendance information for Barbara Smith. Narrative format will require staff to often times double and triple documentation efforts thus increasing opportunities for errors. Narrative information only, still requires additional forms of evidence --- for example facilities health, safety & hygiene will still need evidence of daily classroom cleaning & safety inspections, only date can be entered into system, would not want staff to duplicate information from an observation tool

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