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1720.001 Summer 2011 Dr.

Blossman Study Guide if you are very familiar with the following topics and concepts, you should do well on Exam II. However, this list might help you with what to focus on but you are still responsible for everything we went over in class. Define: ICF ECF (Interstitial Fluid and Plasma) Homeostasis Glucagon Insulin Oxytocin Prolactin ADH FSH LH Calcitonin CSF Cerebellum Medulla oblongata Wenickes area Brocas region Lateral line system of a fish Eye cups of Planaria Saltatory Conduction Nodes of Ranvier Olfaction Gustation Hearing/ Balance Vision Touch (Mechanoreception) Intercalated disc Sarcomere Sarcolemma Transverse tubules Motor unit Innate Immunity Specific / non-specific immunity Acquired Immunity Humoral vs. Cell Mediated Immunity Exocytosis Phagocytosis Neutrophil Macrophage Basophil Eosinophil Erythrocyte Platelet B Cell T Cells (cytotoxic, helper, etc.) Antigen Antibody Epitope NK Cell Memory Cells

Plasma cells Primary vs. secondary immune response Concepts to understand: Specialized tissues muscle, nerve and general characteristics of each type Understand the steps of an inflammatory response Understand antigen presentation Negative and positive feedback loops / Homeostatic control systems Characteristics of the endocrine system and hormones. How does the hypothalamus control the anterior pituitary? Sodium Potassium Pump structure and function and how it is used during neural transmission. Voltage gated ion channels and how they are used during neural transmission. Characteristics of a resting neuron. Threshold potential of a neuron. Know the types of immunoglobulins (i.e. antibodies) How action potentials move throughout the nervous system and what causes them to go faster and why can they not travel in two directions why do they not go backwards?

Know what is going on in the diagram above Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic nervous system Somatic Nervous System Steps of a sensory pathway Anatomy of the eye Know the different types of sensory receptors and which type of sense they go with for example: vision is photoreception (electromagnetic reception) Follow the steps of a muscle contraction from nerve impulse arrival to the release of the myosin head

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