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Biological Classification Mask Information Sheet

Fill in the chart below and upload these to Moodle by Sept. 28. You will need 5 of these! Each is a FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT.

Common Name of Organism:


Domain Kingdom animalia Phylum Chordata Class: aves Order: accipitriformes / Falconiformes Family: Pandionidae Genus: pandionPandion Species: p. h. ridgwayi

What area of the island will this organism allow me to get through?(it can be more than one) over Urquhart lake and over griffin bay.

Circle all that apply: Is this organism a(n):

Invertebrate Vertebrate Predator Prey Autotroph Heterotroph Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore Decomposer

Special Adaptations: Very good information-look at your grammar and spelling!

The bottoms of there feet have lodes of short needles wish helps them to hang on to fish.Good Ospreys can tern there third tow around therefore having a extra- strong grip on fish.Good Ospreys have extremely sharp talons and a strong hooked beak They also have very oily feathers which help keep them dry when they splash into the water.Super

Niche: on the coast of the Caribbean it is also one of the few animals that live in different places in the world. Near water? Lakes? Marine? More information here. Advice you learned from being this animal? fly low and fast to catch a meal. Good

Mask must have one invertebrate and at least one invertebrate A least one plant/fungus/Archeobacteria/Eubacteria/Protist 5 different species

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