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Nathan Godding Class 7B October 29, 2012

Modeling natural selection with bard beaks and prey Problem: how can I model naterel selection of bird beaks and prey? Background: Tinkcentrel and classroom discussions Hypothesis: Procedure: Data table: The data for the bird beak and pray experiment Beak type Prey 1 mars Prey 2 popcorn 310 138 65 Prey 3 lollipop 5 2 1 Prey4 foffy 20 37 15 Prey5 Gummy bears 70 5 39 none needed as directed

spoon 3 chopsticks 4 spatula 6

(Saxby)picture Spoonbill: spoon Saxby Picture 2: Blue-Footed Booby


Picture 3 (Meijer) Picture 4

Laman, Tim. national geographic. 31 october 2012 <>. leepnow. flikr. 29 march 2012. 29 october 2012 <>. Meijer, Tilly. national geographic. 31 october 2012 <>.

Saxby, Tracey. intergration and application network. 1 january 2005. 29 october 2012 <>.

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