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Volume 39
September 2012
Editors Letter Campus News Campus: Fighting for SNU

2 3 4 5

Introducing the Warriors of the Field

6 7

Fighting for

Opinion: Rekindling the Spirit

8 9


SNU Spirit? Arts & Culture: Culture Calendar Karma Police

10 11 12 13

The 2012 Louvre Show

14 15

Behind Vietnam


Editors Choice : The Roots of Grunge

18 19

The Malice Review Quill Finder



September 2012. Vol. 39


After that lengthy rest in the summer, the Quill returns this fall semester with several tweaks and changes. In spirit of the recently held Summer Olympics, the September issue is focused on sports, the passion that arouses both the athlete and the spectator and in a broader scope, the concept of unity and spirit. The Olympics had united countries, continents and even the entire world with the simple concept of competitive sports. With that in mind, the Quill has dedicated volume 39 in uncovering school spirit in Seoul National University (SNU) through sports as well as introducing a few sports teams that are relatively unknown to most SNU students. As every first issue of the semester of Quill is a short 20 page journal, weve experimented and we introduce a revamped cover section with a focus on student opinions. The Cover section has delved into the question as to why Seoul National University has a comparatively low interest in campus activities, while the Campus section presents an array of sports clubs in campus. Meanwhile, the Arts and Culture section will cover a variety of topics, such as the Jisan Valley Rock Festival, the Louvre exhibition and more. The September issue is also led by a new cast of editors: Hwang Johannes as Campus Editor, Maskey Abhas as Arts and Culture Editor, Chung Hyun Chung as our new Vice Managing Director and myself as the Editor-in-Chief. Id like to thank the previous ensemble of editors, Oh Josefina, Jung Jiyun, Jeong Yeon-il and especially former Editor-in-Chief Yoon Song-Ug for all great hard work during their respective terms. With the fresh set of editors, the Quill will aim to become a much more informative and dependable English journal that provides an astute understanding to the proceedings in SNU from the students perspective. Furthermore, the Quill is recruiting for the fall semester. We welcome any enthusastic writers, photographers, or designers who will be committed and would like to share their thoughts with the SNU community. If interested, please send a letter of interest to BY CHAE YUN HWAN EDITOR -IN-CHIEF


Fall Semester Begins
After three months of summer, the semester starts anew. We welcome the 68 incoming freshmen from overseas and all other returning SNU students. It has been a long vacation and hopefully everyone is energized and ready for the next three months!

College of Liberal Studies

The College hosted the Byuri Camp from August 29th to the 31st to provide opportunities for the students within the college to gain new acquaintances. Held at the Kensington Resort in Kosung, Kangwondo, the students enjoyed a barbeque, had recreational time, and played at the beach, despite the rain.

uill Staff
Chief Managing Director Bae Su Hyen Editor-in-Chief Chae Yun Hwan Vice Managing Director Chung Hyun Chung Cover Story & Feature Section Kim Haesol Lee Da Eun Campus Section Editor Hwang Johannes Tae-In Chuluunbaatar Tselmeg Ko Sung Hoon Oh Josefina Park So Hyun Arts & Culture Section Editor Maskey Abhas Go Dae Ho Kwon Inhwa Cover Design Cho Yunha E-Mail Website Advisor Professor Eli Sorensen Sponsor SNU College English Program Office of International Affairs. Printing Late Spring (0222698030) Design Kim Sun Hee

College of Humanities
The last humanities seminar was held in June 14th with the subject on the post-united Shilla dynasty. The new series of seminars for this semester will be on Thursday of every second week of each month.

College of Social Sciences

The Department of International Relations is recruiting freshmen for the upcoming Model United Nations conference this semester. Sophomores have prepared the conference during the summer under the intellectually stimulating and dangerous topic of the Arab Springs.

College of Engineering
On June 5th, the College of Engineering, along with the support from its alumnae, has sponsored the opening of the Entrepreneurship Center. The setup will encourage students to start their own businesses and realize their creativity and visions independently. The center will provide education on entrepreneurship, offer various advice on career paths and also a mentor-mentee program.

Course Registration Changes

Students can make changes to their course registration choices from the 3rd to the 7th of September.

The College of Business Administration and the College of Engineering will be featured in a TV quiz program : The Fellowship of the Ring.

Quill Summer


September 2012. Vol. 39

Fighting for SNU


Could you please introduce yourself briefly and talk about your time as a member of the SNU Judo team?
My name is Lee Seung Hwan (Dept. of Civil, Urban, and Geosystem Engineering Class of 06) and I was the captain of the Seoul National University (SNU) Judo team in the year of 2007.
Captain of the Judo Team in 2007: Lee Seung Hwan

Could you please introduce the SNU Judo team and its history?
The SNU Judo team was first started in the year of 1958. As the university shifted its main campus to Gwanak, the separate teams in each of the colleges were united. The Judo team has won the University Judo Championship in 1987 and we won the National College Club Judo Championship in 2005 and 2012 in addition to being runners-up in in 2006, 2007 and 2011.

team exists and there are also misconceptions of the sport that keeps people from joining the club. I guess Judo is a sport only accessible through television so its unfamiliar territory for most people.

go into depth and learn the subtle details and master them. People have the preconception that sports are for simpletons but its an arduous process of constant learning.

If you are displeased, what changes would you like to see?

I have only one request for the school, itd be great if there was a proper judo arena where we can practice and train freely. The current arena in the gymnasium is quite small which creates some difficulties. One of the most important aspects of training is preventing injury and this requires a good mattress surface. And itd be great if we have a proper facility where we can train at will.

Do you think there is a way to improve the school spirit to be more similar to other universities? Or is it just part of the SNU culture?
Im not really sure about other schools, so I cannot give a proper comment but I think schools like Korea University have a great sense of unity through sports. Their sports teams are well connected from seniors to freshmen. I think that other popular sports teams in SNU have such unity but the Judo team may be a bit lacking in that sense, although there are frequent meetings between members.

Do you think SNU supports the SNU Judo team and other school sports teams sufficiently compared to other universities?
Compared to other schools, the support from the SNU administration has been inadequate; however, we are grateful for the financial support that they provide us. I think that its not just SNU, but also other schools, in which students show little interest in sports. There are those who come to the club for a short while and leave with no sense of commitment. I feel the need to instill a passion for the sport in the current members of the club and also concentrate on promoting the club. At times I feel as though the students of SNU dont even know that a Judo

What do you think about SNU's school spirit when it comes to sports? For example, this year the SNU Judo team placed first in the National College Club Judo Championship; did this achievement get the expected recognition?
It had been quite some time since we last won the championship and the victory was featured in SNU News (Daehak Shinmun). However, people dont really know about our win unless theyre in some way associated with the Judo team. The victory was a moment only celebrated by the team members. It is awkward talking about unity among SNU members but I think that it is important to have that kind of spirit in the school. Ive been part of the judo team so I have that sense of connection to SNU through sports and other students share that connection in their respective fields. I dont think there is one specific way to create the sense of unity in the school but everyone ought to be committed to their respective colleges and maintain their identity as SNU students. I think that sports are a form of study; one has to

How do you view the future of the SNU Judo team?

The Judo team has a simple goal: to simply enjoy the sport and continue the spirit of the Judo team. We arent going to be greedy and promise to win every year as we have little participation from the new members. I hope to continue to participate in the team even after graduation.


September 2012. Vol. 39

Introducing the Warriors of the Field

SNU Womens Football Club

n Seoul National University (SNU) there exist various mens football teams. The sport is so popular that apart from the school-wide football clubs such as Soccer21, each department also has one or more football teams, excluding the individual class teams. For example the College of Social Sciences has a couple of clubs, most notably the team Eco, while the College of Engineering is home to over thirty different teams. While mens football teams are quite numerous, there is only one womens football team- the SNU Womens Football Club (SNU WFC). Officially established in September 9th 2010, SNU WFC is the universitys official womens football team. Beginning with a modest number of physical education female students, the SNU WFC has grown in the last couple of years. I remember there were only three people at the inauguration ceremony, and so many difficulties followed. But now it is a decent sports club! Unlike in many athletic clubs where female students role is limited to cheerleading or management, at our club any female SNU students interested in soccer can actively participate and enjoy physical activities. I think this has been the

main appeal our club holds for many SNU sisters, said the vice-captain, Eunji Jo (College of Human Ecology, 10). The club currently has over 20 players, and what is most surprising is that more than half of these players are non-physical education major students. This distinction is particular to SNU WFC. Usually in other universities, the universitys official sports teams are usually comprised of physical education major students, for obvious reasons. However, SNUs womens football team has players from Business Administration majors, French majors, and even Environmental Studies. Simply, the pure love for the sport is what attracts these students. Nonetheless, the quality of play is very refined. A year after its establishment, the SNU WFC won the National College Sports Club Championship, competing with eleven other university teams. This year SNU took second place in the Kookmin University Cup Championship. Furthermore, as mentioned above, SNU WFC is different from the other teams from Korean universities in that a majority of its players is not physical education major students. The teams

success may be to the devotion that students seem to have for the team. There is mandatory training twice a week. Starting with a warm-up routine and moving onto set piece exercises and ball possession practice, each training lasts for two and a half hours. Even with the busy school schedule SNU WFC members have shown brilliant determination and resilience. There are still some difficulties that even pure determination cannot overcome. The limited area for practice is one such difficulty. Because the SNU WFC has to share the sports ground with other teams such as the male football club, American football team, and rugby club, it poses a serious obstacle during training. Furthermore, the lights on the sports ground automatically turn off after 8 pm, meaning training must be completed before dark, which is inconvenient for those who have classes that end late. Also, the general lack of interest in womens sports teams is also an obstacle, as most students have a preconceived notion that women and sports do not match. The lack of support is sometimes a hindrance in gaining funds for developing the team. Nevertheless, the SNU WFC members believe that the team can

only grow from here on. With the pure devotion the female players have for football, WFC is set to shine. As South Koreas national soccer team caught the spotlight in the London Olympics in its final match against Japan, perhaps SNU Womens Football Club can create history in the university womens football arena.

Student Interviews
Youm Danny (College of Liberal Studies, 10) It is a good thing that girls are involved in sports. A lot of girls have this impression that they cannot join because they think sports are for boys. This will encourage them to be involved in such sports activities. Lee Ye Eun (College of Liberal Studies, 11) I didnt know there was a womens soccer team. I hope the womens soccer team could be known more to people! The team contributes in eliminating prejudices that girls are not good at soccer. For that I thank them. Lee Jung Yeon (College of Liberal Studies, 11) I dont really know much about the team, but I know that it is doing quite well. I hope they enjoy playing rather than just going for the win. Dont get too stressed about unsuccessful moments! Hwang Kyuha (College of Liberal Studies, 11) I didnt know that there was a womens soccer team in our school. Sung Hyun (my friend) thinks it is a good thing that they exist. For words of encouragement..Be all you can be, Aim high! And FULL SPEED AHEAD. Anonymous (College of Humanities, 12) I think its great that a school generally unconcerned with sports is showing interest in supporting its athletes, especially women, because that was less expected.


September 2012. Vol. 39

Rekindling the Spirit


he dud reaction towards the general student body meeting at Acro in May of this year reflected the overwhelming lack of interest of Seoul National University (SNU) students regarding school events. With the goal of discussing certain administrative decisions, such as tuition cuts, the student council failed to amass enough people to the general meeting. Only around 900 students turned up when 1658 were

needed to actualize a general student body meeting. This disinterested attitude from the student population towards student events is not limited to just this incident. The elections of 2011 were also a major disappointment to many as it failed to reach the 50% voting requirement. Only through ardent campaigning by a single party candidate, the student council was elected in the spring semester of this

year. However, as exemplified by the failure of the general student body meeting, the underlying issue of the student bodys lack of interest in school events remains. The apathetic response towards student activities such as elections reflects the lack of connection that students feel to the student body. The low participation in important student body events suggests that perhaps students are to an extent indifferent towards the political fracas that the student council and other student leaders have been dealing with in the past year with the school administration. Failing to elect a student council when SNU was going through incorporation can only point to a politically uninterested student body. Furthermore, this lack of interest can lead to even more worrying outcomes. Although the students themselves are partially to blame for electing a council that they dont actively support, the student council needs to find a way to encourage the interest in student politics and to remedy the situation. In order for this to happen, students need to be engaged in a collective SNU experience. The greatest challenge that the council faces is bringing the entire school community together. Appealing to the student body solely through a political

agenda may simply be tarnishing the perception of the student council. Leading a large student body population such as that of SNU is no easy task and the student council should focus on bringing together the fragmented student population. New measures should be taken in order to boost student body morale and in turn, raise awareness in issues that the student council is tackling. By promoting a sense of unity in the student body, the student council can reinforce solidarity and the importance of the problems that the student body faces together. Festival period is a great example of how the student body can come together from all the colleges to celebrate being SNU students. Another initiative that can increase unity within the student body is through sports. Sports events are one of the few instances throughout the semester, in which the entire student body can convene to display pride and passion for the school. Unfortunately, SNU does not have such culture and usually, spectating a sports game in Gwanak campus is for entertainment rather than a display of school pride. Despite the great interest and participation in sports, Seoul National University students often lack the sense of school spirit in competitive sports, sportspeople and spectators alike. Although the university possesses a variety of sports clubs, the official teams for such respective sports often find themselves isolated from the entire campus community. By

promoting sports events and establishing aculture, in where the entire student body can get together to root for the home team, the student council will at least be able to be much more approachable to the student body. For example, Yonsei University and Korea University students hold a great sense of pride in their respective schools through sports events. By employing such sporting events, the largely disconnected student body of SNU may be able to develop the sense of unity that is required in order for the leadership to effectively carry out decisions that will help and protect the interests of the student body. Its unfortunate to see a struggling leadership trying and failing to galvanize a lethargic student body. If the current situation continues, the students will soon face the consequences of their failure to support their representatives. Thus, the student council should incorporate creative methods in order to at least garner interest in student events that the entire SNU community can

participate in. Sports events may be the answer to stir up passion and pride for the school and bring unity to an otherwise disconnected community simply grouped together in the label SNU.

The May 31st General Student Body Meeting failed to materialize.


Arts & Culture


September 2012. Vol. 39

SNU Spirit?

Culture Calendar
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

Guaktissue Monday concert -violin duetDaehakro Hamonica Arts Center

Misuda <Experiencing Korean traditions> Seoul Namsan Kukakdang (~12/22)

Roof top jazz concert DOULOS Theater

Esperanza Spalding the 1st live in seoul AX-Korea

Piano paradiso (newage pianists) Seoul Olympic Park

ven within the SNU Campus, scarcely do we come across the term SNU spirit; very few acknowledge its existence. When SNU teams play against other schools, seldom do we see SNU supporters cheering on their school. Of course, they may cheer for the sake of their own student club or major, but it would be difficult to see a bystander support a team for the reason that it is a SNU team. In fact, only when we read in a newspaper that a SNU team has achieved something memorable, do we first become aware of it. Yet still, the sense of school pride is barely existent. This is in stark contrast to other schools such as Yonsei University that always seems to have ardent supporters even during away games. As a former Yonsei student myself, I felt a definite sense of unity in the Sinchon campus. For example, bystanders can be seen cheering on competitions simply for the reason that they are a Yonsei team. Moreover, every year, Yonsei University elects with ease its student council, students affirming that they want to participate in school affairs as much as possible. Meanwhile, the voting of the SNU student council is being continuously delayed with little interest from students. Even during SNU Spring and Summer Festivals, organized by the school, many choose to go to

other school festivals instead or not go altogether. Indeed, those who actually participate show little sign of school spirit and are more concerned about their own majors or student clubs. This is the foremost reason why SNU lacks its own spirit. The school is able to integrate students into their major with ease, yet cannot assimilate all the majors into one group. There is no platform for students from different majors to gather and socialize with one another. On the other hand, Yonsei University, for example, has programs such as exchange MTs and regular gettogethers in order to integrate the whole school with one another rather than just concentrating on the students majors or clubs. They also have their own songs, with a strict emphasis on Yonsei spirit. During festivals the whole school gets together as it is touted as a must-go event by the organizers. The students sing and dance altogether with constant reminders about the schools history and its pride. Furthermore, even when drinking alcohol in public places, students encourage the Yonsei spirit among each other, regularly playing games that highlight their pride. Their school spirit is in fact further accentuated by their bitter rivalry with Korea University. We frequently see SNU students go to join in with the Yonsei-Korea or

Korea-Yonsei Games, to feel the bitter rivalry between the two universities. Such rivalry is absent in the case of SNU, another reason why school spirit may be very weak. Hence, in order to raise awareness about school issues and integrate the school into one so that students feel some sense of school spirit, the school must organize events that allow all majors to get together: currently all the majors are a distinct entity with little interest in one another. Integrating them altogether will make them realize that now they are all one entity in the same school. This maybe done through joint-get togethers or more school-oriented festivals. SNU central student clubs may be encouraged rather than clubs in their respective majors. In this way, students would naturally come to think that they genuinely belong to the school rather than merely their own major and grow a sense of pride about this. School spirit maybe further promoted by getting the whole school together for a morning class and announcing school related news. For example, Yonsei university announces sports results during their weekly compulsory Chapel class which most definitely helps to accumulate school spirit. Hence I sincerely urge the SNU students to gain some much needed school spirit and further indulge in the joys of school life!

Verbal Jint Concert Seoul Olympic Park

Jan Saudek Photo exhbition (8/10~9/9) Bluesquare , Itaewon


Dosipoongryu <contemporary Korean traditional music concert> Seowan Theater (near Hyewha station)

Enrico Pieranunzi 1st solo concert Mapo Arts Center


Theater of operations With Pierre rigal LG Arts Center

Maroon 5 concert Jamsil Stadium


The Drawing show Kyunghyang Arts Hill

Jazz and the City (~9.30) Olleh Square


Lambert Dance Company LG Arts Center

Lambert Dance company LG Arts Center


Finn Juhl -furniture design collectionDaerim Arts Center

KEANE concert Seoul Olympic Park


Moscow City Ballet <Swan Lake> (~9/28) Seoul Arts Center, Opera Hall

Beijing Opera <An Embroidered Treasure Pouch> Haeoreum Theater

Wayne Krantz Guitar concert Mapo Arts Center






September 2012. Vol. 39

Jisan Valley Rock Festival, A Detuned Radio

isan Valley Rock Festival attracted a crowd of one hundred thousand people from July 29th to the 31st to celebrate the spirit of rock and roll in a green, nature-friendly atmosphere. Rock legends from overseas, popular rock bands from within, and uprising indie rock stars were invited to create a heat wave in the burning summer temperature. As wild and entertaining the concerts were, there is a need to review the meaning and purpose of rock festivals, and reflect upon the true spirit of rock.

Origin of Rock Festivals

The Cultural Revolution in America brought about the first rock festivals in the 1960s, shaking the pillars of traditional American thought and its societal structure through the rise of the counterculture. Counterculture embraced a gamut of radical social issues such as the civil rights, women's rights, gay rights, the sexual revolution, and in addition, protests against the Vietnam war, nuclear weapons, drafts, environmentalism, and experimentation with new forms of art, cinema, and music. As the pioneers of the new counterculture, young people looked for ways of greater self-expression and freedom, especially through music. From the beginning, music acted as a catalyst and weaver of bringing

together diverse groups of people, constituencies, and interests to spread counterculture (a chaotic, unorganized movement) ideas of revolution affecting all sectors of society. Fanatic musical fans began to appear, businesses worked to get the music to the demanders, and the few innovative musicians began to tour the country to perform live. In the midst of these radical events, a musical revelation occurred in 1967 rock festivals came into existence on two summer weekends in northern California, the KFRC Fantasy Fair and Magic Mountain Music Festival and the Monterey International Pop Festival. The festivals created a more lively and intense opportunity for personal countercultural immersion. According to Bill Mankins article How Rock Festivals Helped Change America, These outdoor extravaganzas gave crowds of music lovers and would-be

(and actual) hippies several days in a row in which to commune both with each other and with an impressive lineup of the superstars and soon-to-be superstars of the new, fast-evolving musical universe. The concept proved irresistible. Multi-day outdoor rock festivals permeated America and the world in two years, giving more people the chance to experience counterculture directly and become a part of bringing change through the dynamic movement. The festivals crumbled walls and ideologies, music brought peace and love, but at the same time rebellions and recklessness.

Rock Festival Penetration into Korea

Inspired by the Woodstock and Glastonbury music festival, Korea willed to hold a grand festival of its own. On July 31st 1999, the first big scale rock festival called the Triport

Festival was held in Incheon under the motto Why are we having a rock festival? Because there people who like rock on this land! However, heavy rain and petty unprofessional mistakes caused the dream to disperse and the name disappeared ever since. Nevertheless, the attempt to create an international scale rock festival became the foundation for future successful events such as the Dongducheon Rock Festival, Busan International Rock Festival, ETP Fest organized by Seo Taiji, Pentaport Rock Festival (a direct development from Triport), and last but not least, Jisan Rock Valley Festival. Jisan has grown to become the most crowd attracting rock festival in Korea, but we must reflect upon areas of improvement especially regarding the festivals contribution to spreading the good values of music and unifying people under a true spirit. While the creation of rock festivals in America appeared naturally through the catalyst of emerging rock ideas and ideals, it seems as though rock festivals emerged in Korea for commercial reasons and without any foundation of a philosophical or cultural movement. If the rock festivals in the United States and Europe embody the ideas of the counterculture, of societal revolution, equality and peace, what exactly are the statements of the Korean rock festivals?

Spirit of Rock and Roll?

Lee Jangho (College of Natural Sciences, 11) My definition of the 'spirit of rock and roll' incorporates freedom and fun. I cannot imagine how happy one would be if one could do work that he or she truly enjoyed. But I think people who do music, especially rock musicians, chose as their job something they have a passion for. I am in awe that there are millions of fans who love music. In this sense, rock embodies freedom and fun since a myriad of people can become one under rock. I do believe that Jisan upholds the true spirit of rock. We can enjoy music in a free atmosphere and at night, we could hang out and chill with people we met for the first time! Jung Jiyun (College of Social Sciences, 11) Frankly, I have never thought about the true spirit of rock. I did not go to Jisan as a rock fan. I actually wondered why the festival was called a 'rock' festival, since there was a good, wide spectrum of music. I guess the spirit of celebrating and living and overcoming life as it is? That's the impression I got from the rock singers at the festival. I guess Jisan does uphold the spirit of rock to a certain extent. I think it is one of the best places in Korea to simply listen and enjoy rock music, but there is a big

room for it to grow. It was pretty commercial with all types of ads squeezed in whenever possible. Ahn Seokchan (College of Liberal Studies, 12) I think becoming absolutely involved and absorbed in one thing as to concentrate all of your strength and energy into it... is the true spirit of rock! Jisan embodies it absolutely. Cho Yunha (College of Liberal Studies, 11) At Jisan, the music is omnipresent. Even if my favorite band is playing they might not play my favorite songs. There could be times when a band of my disinterest plays a song I find irritating. However, whatever music is being performed, I accept it and enjoy it with other people. I believe that is the true spirit of rock. So basically it is like life. You do not know what you will get from it, but by being alive, you brace yourself for whatever comes at you and enjoy it. As to whether Jisan incorporates the spirit of rock, it is not the matter of the organization of the festival, but rather the individual attitudes. Perhaps the organizers are aware of it, or not, but true rockers accept the music being performed with proper appreciation. Celebrating music is often misconstrued; it could simply be lying down to see the night sky full of stars and listening to whatever is being played..




September 2012. Vol. 39

The 2012 Louvre show


or those who are interested in the arts, the 2012 Louvre show being held at Hangaram Arts Center, Seoul will be the perfect place to be. The show exhibits 110 art pieces from the museum of Louvre. This is the second time the Louvre has come to Korea, since the exhibition held in 2006. The last exhibition was a huge success, attracting 600,000 people. This time, however, the show has been planned in an even more exquisite scale. Three curators have participated in preparing the show, which is

unprecedented for an overseas exhibition. The 2012 Louvre show is laid out under the theme of Greek mythology. Since Greek mythology still permeates throughout contemporary culture, understanding the arts is not that difficult. For example, those of you who are fans of movies such as The Clash of the Titans or Troy will find the arts exhibited at the show, very familiar. The show is divided into five parts, starting from the very beginning, the

chaos and the creation of Olympus. And in a chronological order, the Gods of Olympus, Love Stories of the Gods, Heroes and the continuity of the Ancient Mythology are being exhibited. Each part of the exhibition comes with a sign explaining the era the paintings deal with, making it easier to comprehend the arts. Thus, even those who are not really familiar with Greek Mythology can enjoy the exhibition. Each part has its own charm. In the first part, chaos and the creation of

Olympus, not only paintings but also sculptures and Greek crocksAmphoras -are shown. Paintings about the splendors of Olympus are also worth observing. The second part is the gods of Olympus. Various arts about gods are exhibited. Sculptures about individual gods and paintings dealing with the primary Greek myths are noticeable. Especially paintings of Aphrodite are fabulous and quite eyecatching with delicate details. The next three parts are about specific stories or episodes between gods and humans. Thus, knowing the myths that inspired the artist is necessary. Some of the stories might be familiar to most of the viewers, however some are quite unknown. Even though some works are kindly accompanied by simple explanations, you might consider buying the catalog or audio guide, especially if you are not into Greek mythology. The third part deals with love stories of gods and goddess. Taking a closer

look at the picture about Zeus accompanied by his mistresses will be interesting. Also, the paintings about the beautiful love story of Eros and Psyche will be worthy to pay attention. The fourth part is about the heroes that appear in the myths and the Trojan War. Those who are interested in the Trojan War or episodes of heroes from the Greek mythology will find this part of the show particularly exciting. Especially, the details depicted in the war paintings are delicate, so dont forget to look into the details. The last part is about the continuity of the ancient myths. Here, you can find various arts about episodes of Perseus and also some sculptures. The hideous yet delicate sculpture of Medusa will also be memorable. Under the theme of Greek mythology, the 2012 Louvre show grants a fun and exciting experience. Those who find art boring will also

enjoy the show as it deals with something we are all familiar with. Try to visit the exhibition as early as possible because the show gets crowded from 4 pm to 8pm. You might not be able to spend more time on the paintings you want to. Additionally, docents are available every 2 hours. Spending time looking at the great arts and exchanging opinions with your friends will guarantee a good time.

Show information
Hangaram arts Center (02-325-1077~8) 2012. 6.5~9.30 Admission fee adult 12,000 won Opening hours weekdays am.11~ pm8 Weekends & holidays am10~pm8




September 2012. Vol. 39

chance so he asked me if I was willing to undertake the project. A budget had already been finalized and the school was looking for someone to take responsibility.

The trip to Vietnam was refreshing. The food, the kids and all that came along will be reminisced over light dinners. But how did the project conspire in the first place? The Quill talks to the SISA boss to understand more. BY MASKEY ABHAS

ou have been listed for the Vietnam SNU-GCS. Could you please send in your passport copy-SISA I was on my way for my usual Omerice lunch when my phone came to life and these very words popped up on the once dead screen. I was not sure if Vietnam was the appropriate place to end up in hot summers, but the prospect of going to a totally unknown territory was hard to resist. Fast forward a month and the image of Ho Chi Minh sticks out to the better part of my memory. I am in a way Vietnam-sick. The exquisite

food, the pristine waters of Halong Bay, the noisy Vietnamese school and the strong Thauc lau are no longer unfamiliar. The narrow bike ridden streets of Hanoi, the omnipresent French influence on modern architecture and the iconic bamboo hats all represent a sense of modernization that took a toll on the communist nations history. Annually, Seoul National University has sent out a number of student teams for public volunteering service to different parts of the world but never offered international students the chance to participate. The Vietnam trip marks a change in how the Student Affairs Department is trying to involve foreign students into such social activities. What made this change is not yet clear but it is possible that the recent corporatization of our university could have played a major role. To understand more, I got to sit down with Ooi Xin Ying (College of

Social Sciences 09) -the current SNU International Students Association (SISA) president- who tirelessly spearheaded the plan into effect. If it was not for her, Vietnam would have just been a country I got to hear about in the news.

She first explained about the organization that she leads, SISA is the International Students Association in SNU, and if you are a foreigner in SNU, you automatically qualify as a member. SISA has been particularly active in bringing international students together, allowing them to interact and showcase their native culture through social events such as the International Food Festival (organized every semester), the Cultural Trip and the end of the semester SISA Party.

Regarding how the whole volunteering idea came into existence, she explained, The school sponsored the whole trip. The credits should go to the Students Affairs Department of SNU. The volunteering program has been going on for a long time but international students did not have the opportunity to join in. The Head of the Department wanted to give them a
The SISA Boss: Ooi Xin Ying

I said Ok! she added smiling, I had participated in such events but had never led a team As it turns out, she did outstandingly well. SISA focused on developing the right activities that could be performed while the school set out contacting Korean INGOs active in several regions around the globe. For Vietnam we decided to establish a library so the school contacted GCS (Global Civic Sharing) as they have many voluntary centers and organizations in Korea and abroad. Then they contacted GCS branch in Vietnam and they looked for a suitable school. Besides establishing a fully furnished library, the team that set out to work in the communist nation managed to clean the gate, outer and inner walls of the chosen school. Additionally, a suitable week long curriculum was developed and taught in the school. The cultural exchange between the volunteering students and the local kids could not have been any better. When queried about how the team members were selected, she answered, We received the application

forms (that we distributed via email) and based on what students wrote, we would sum it up, score on each paper and take the average. The process should have been time consuming as SISA received an overwhelming number of applicants. Regarding the momentum of such projects she replied, Future? Depends on how successful we are in both GCS-Vietnam and Habitat-Thailand. The Head of Department promises that if everything turns out to be good, [the School] might continue. We will have a second one but I am not sure whether it will be this winter or the next summer. The project undertaken in Vietnam was well planned and executed. Therefore, there is a strong chance that the school will continue to provide such overseas volunteering programs to international students willing to take that extra mile. However, let us not forget that such projects require massive funding and unless the school has excess resources to dig into, it will be hard to imagine anything new. Yet with recent turn of events, it would not be wrong to be an optimist. I am definitely going to the next one! added the SISA boss. Her confidence does spark some much needed optimism.




September 2012. Vol. 39

Editors Choice

The Roots of Grunge

The 90s were a volatile time in the music scene where rock bands ditched the leather, make-up and fast-paced, flamboyant guitar solos for a bare to the bones sound that captured the anger and apathy of the era. In particular, the grunge scene in Seattle produced many great rock bands that are now a foothold in contemporary music history. The Quill introduces the debut albums of some of the most popular bands in the genre.

Ultramega OK (1988) Soundgarden

Soungardens debut effort is closer to the roots of the grunge movement rather than the all too familiar grunge as known to many through Nirvana songs such as Smells like Teen Spirit. The album is composed of insanely high pitched vocals and heavy guitar without all that glitter and flashiness. With songs like Smokestack Lightning that has elements of simple hard rock and psychedelic rock, the album clearly depicts a band that was trying to define itself into a new genre. Standout song Beyond the Wheel: If you were disappointed by Chris Cornells vocal performances as of late in Audioslave, this song will reaffirm Cornells immortal status as a rock vocalist. Trivia The band was actually disappointed by the production of the album and felt that the final product was simply okay, hence the album name, Ultramega OK.

Bleach (1989) Nirvana

Bleach is probably Nirvanas least known record amongst most music fans. The album is made up of raw, trashy distortion accompanied by the tired and anger-ridden voice of Kurt Cobain. People only familiar with Nirvana songs from their second album Nevermind will be surprised to listen to his bizarre screaming in Bleach. The bleak yet energetic sound of the album might not be for everyone but it is an interesting benchmark in Nirvanas short history. Standout song School: The song best captures the chemistry between the early members of the band. Trivia Nirvana was under pressure from their label to produce songs that fit under the grunge genre, which upset Cobain and led him to write the song School that was critical of the Seattle music scene and Nirvanas own label.

Facelift (1990) Alice in Chains

Just prior to the release of Facelift,the band had released an EP We Die Young. The title song from the EP has since become an Alice in Chains classic and was the catalyst for the production of the debut album. Frustration resonates throughout the tracks through the angst-filled voice of Layne Staley, which is complemented by the heavy distorted guitar sounds. The album includes hit singles such as Man in the Box, and the aforementioned We Die Young. The former was nominated for the Grammy Awards Best Hard Rock Performance in 1992. Standout song Love, Hate, Love: The song truly features the musical capabilities of the lead vocalist Layne Staley and his destructive emotional tendencies. Trivia Facelift was the first grunge album to sell a million copies.

Ten (1991) Pearl Jam

Probably the most commercially successful album from the grunge scene, Ten has since become a classic album in modern rock history. The record is significantly different from other albums mentioned previously and resembles much more to the hard or alternative rock genre. The songs are more anthemic but gritty at the same time holding the grunge sound. The album kickstarted Pearl Jams career that had been overshadowed by other Seattle greats such as Soundgarden and Alice in Chiains. Standout Song Alive: The song has probably one of the greatest rock guitar solos Trivia Pearl Jam has old connections with Soundgarden; the members of both bands collaborated in the early days before their rise to fame in the band Temple of the Dog. One of their most famous songs is Hunger Strike.

Core (1992) Stone Temple Pilots

Core is the debut album of the Stone Temple Pilots, the only band from the list that does not hold its roots in Seattle. The album has many hit tracks such as Plush, Sex Type Thing and Creep that deal with many issues such as sexism to organized religion. The album is vastly different from the early works of Nirvana, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden and is more approachable to the simple hard rock fan. Standout song Plush: Undoubtedly one of the best songs of the decade, Plush showcases Weilands powerful vocals along with the musical virtuosity of other members. Trivia Despite being voted as the Best New Band by the readers of Rolling Stones magazine, Stone Temple Pilots was chosen as the Worst New Band by the magazines critics in the January issue of 1994.




T The Malice Review

Finding the Motive Behind a Detective Novel

here are three critical elements in all detective mystery novels represented by the following questions: Who did it?, How did it happen?, and Why did it happen? Many detective novels are usually focused on the first and second questions. The most famous Who did it? mystery novel is probably none other than And Then There Were None written by Agatha Christie. In this novel, an unexpected suspect leaves the reader astonished. Meanwhile most famous How did it happen? novel would have to be The Tragedy of Y by Ellery Queen. In this mystery novel, the culprit employs a creative and surprising method for the crime in question. Thus, in mystery novels, authors often make use of complex tricks to deceive the detective characters and also the readers. Secret room tricks are one of many examples often used by writers to explain the second element: How? However, the reasons behind a crime in mystery novels are usually more straightforward than the former two elements. For example, financial problems, love, rivarly and unknown secrets are conventional materials for the Why? in detective novels. Therefore, many authors are not especially concerned about the Why? However, The Malice, written by Higashino Keigo focuses on this third element. The novel is consisted of two memoirs. One is written by Detective Gaga, who is the protagonist of the series, while the other is written by the suspect. The suspect tries to deceive Gaga and the readers by distorting the memo. But Gaga solves the alibi and the trickery of the suspect. At this point, this novel seems to be a common detective novel. The

important thing is that at least the Who? and the How? are secondary issues in this mystery novel. In the early stages of the novel, the suspect and the method of crime are out in the open. But the narrative in most parts of the novel is focused on uncovering the motive of the murder. When the detective eventually uncovers the truth by evading the suspects psychological tricks, readers confront real malice and the hairraising conclusion. Readers soon realize the many foreshadowings that he or she could not notice the first time, and they encounter pure malice. Another appealing aspect of this novel is that it is relatively easy to read. Many Japanese novels repel readers because of the variety of complex characters. As you may know, Japanese names are difficult to distinguish. So although many people love Japanese novels because of its novelty and originality, they feel frustrated when they confront complicated names or the relations of characters. But The Malice has very few characters because the important thing is not Who? but Why? Thus, the novel is quite simple in terms of distinguishing characters. The so-called season of reading is coming. If you are sick and tired of plain old mystery or the predictable American horror novel, it is highly recommended that you read The Malice. Youll come across unexpected pleasures when you are addicted to the novel. Moreover, through the novel, one may come to contemplate whether human nature is indeed fundamentally evil as suggested by Thomas Hobbes or not. Whatever the conclusion, malice exists in human nature.


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