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With that, the rock face silently divides in the middle and TWO GREAT DOORS swing outwards

... revealing a blackness deeper than night. As the FELLOWSHIP enter the BLACKNESS something in the water stirs... INT. MORIA GATE - NIGHT The FELLOWSHIP step warily into the darkness of MORIA ... a DANK CAVERN, with winding steps leading deeper into the mountain. GIMLI Soon, Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves; roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone! This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin ... And they call this a mine. (snorting) A mine! ANGLE ON: A GLOW from GANDALFS STAFF suddenly lights the chamber ... The FELLOWSHIP recoil in HORROR! Many DWARF SKELETONS are strewn about, clearly in the dead of some old battle ... the rusting armor and shields are peppered with arrows and axes (grimly) This is no mine ... It's a tomb! GIMLI (in horror) Oh ... no ... no ... no...! LEGOLAS pulls a crude arrow out of a SKELETON. Goblins. LEGOLAS BOROMIR

The FELLOWSHIP draw swords and back away, towards the ENTRANCE. BOROMIR We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should never have come here. EXT. MORIA GATE - NIGHT ANGLE ON: FRODO is suddenly PULLED TO THE GROUND! A LONG SINUOUS TENTACLE is wrapped around FRODOS ankle and is dragging him towards the lake!

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