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In A Dream Set To Flight pt.

II Below the silver bus seems way to anonymous Pierced ear rings vanquished truest excerpts tested In a dream curse the vanity explosive means We show the public our aching heart then Left on the sidewalk without excuse Through vast rivers leftin peril; The most dangerous thing in the world is a lie; Yet anyone who shrinks from that is a traitor The permanent things Yet the common things are not common placed A massive mind in a massive body The supreme adventure I have kept my truths But I have discovered not that they Were not truths but simply that they were mind The 1st step is to accept the reality of sin Which should not be that hard to do The madman is not the man who lost He lost everything except his reason Poetry is sane because it floats Easily in an infinite sea The poet only asks to stick his head in heaven Through rough challenges centered abroad To an empty vase yet protected A curtain shutter set on its axle We only look through its dangling glass Then at its fullest release a sparkle First the blade of green grass then an orchard A refined dominate Spruce in all its fullness A room filled with cob web nestled apart In shaped fragments in its pivotal swell Without reason our beliefs have become futile.

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