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Planning Activity Lauren Brantley September 30, 2012 1. Standards: I.

Technology Operations and Concepts Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Teachers: A. Demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students). B. Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies 2. Target Audience: Age: 30-65 Cultural background: American with mixed ethnicities, 70% female, 30% male. Educational level: 75% with Masters Degrees or higher, 25% Bachelors Specific entry skills: Skills include basic set up of a computer, basic program knowledge including the Microsoft Office Suite and conducting online research. Some 10% of the teachers instruct students using digital communication and are highly skilled most areas of technology. These teachers are exempt from this training. Learning styles: Multiple modalities, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Motivation: ARCS The instruction is worth paying attention to because of the immediate impact it makes in the classroom. Students can be given the flip cameras and with a little instruction can make their own video using content from the classroom or their own ideas. In addition, the training could meet a goal for PLUs. The pace and focus of the instruction allows the teacher to succeed in making a product to take with them that demonstrates their success in the training. 3. ASSURE model objectives: 1. Using the mini- tripod and the video recording device called a flip camera, teachers will successfully turn on and operate the technology successfully to create an example digital video. 2. Using the storyboard template given, teachers will create a rough draft storyboard consisting of 3 slides to use for this training in creating a digital video. 3. Using the flip- camera and tripod, teachers will film footage for their digital video, upload it to the computer, and edit the footage to successfully create a digital video example.

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