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Content Objective(s): o SWBAT know that fractions can show parts of a whole and parts of a set.
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SWBAT identify the denominator and numerator. SWBAT tell me in their own words what a denominator is

Common Core Standard: ! Number and Operations-Fractions 3.NF 1. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b


-1 box of Graham Crackers -Math Journals -Paper plates -Personal white boards & dry-erase markers -Smart Board -Computers

Direct Instruction: (20-30 minutes) I will start off the lesson by asking students if they have ever been asked to share food with someone. I will explain to them that when they are sharing food, they are giving a portion or part of it away. That part that they are giving away represents a fraction. I will pull out one whole graham cracker to show the students. Students will answer How many pieces make up this entire Graham cracker? I will ask a student to come up and share the Graham cracker with me I will break off 1 piece of the whole graham cracker and give it to the student. Students will be asked How many pieces did he/she get? I will write the fraction on the board that represents the amount that was shared with the student. This will lead directly into discussing key vocabulary for the lesson.
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Fraction: a number that names part of a whole, a set Numerator: The number on top of the bar, tells you how many parts of the whole Denominator: The number on the bottom, tells you how the whole is divided Whole number: any of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .

Students will be instructed to write the key vocabulary words, definitions and pictures if applicable (these will be written out for them and on the board already) in their math journals

Learning strategy to help students remember terms

Numerator= North Denominator =down

Write down several fractions on the board Go over which part of the fraction is the numerator and which is the denominator. We will do this several times and students will copy some of the examples from the board into their math notebook to refer back to later if needed. Guided Practice: (10-15 minutes)

Students will works in groups of four to create fractions with graham crackers Students will be instructed to not touch any of the materials that are going to be passed out until instructed to do so I will call on my paper passer to hand out materials Paper passer will give each student a graham cracker and a paper plate Students will also need to take out their white boards and a marker and place them on their desk. When class is ready, I will have students break their graham cracker in half, set it on their paper plate and draw a picture of the fraction on their whiteboard. They will then write the fraction Students will then break each half into half- draw a picture of it and write the fraction for it Break the in - draw a picture of it and write the fraction I will walk around the room while they are doing each fraction and help students who are struggling.

Independent Practice: (10-15 minutes) I will draw a picture of a fraction using different figures on the smart-board and have the students belly write the fraction for it using their white boards. I will ask the students to circle the denominator. (I will go back and forth between having them circle the numerator and the denominator.)

Students will hold up their boards for me to see. We will do this several times and then switch to me writing a fraction on the board and they will draw a picture that represents that fraction. Assessment: (10 minutes) Students will log on to where they will play The Pizza Game. Closure: (2-3 minutes)I will do a quick review on the board by writing a fraction and have the students (whole group) tell me the the parts of the fraction (numerator and denominator). I will then draw a few pictures on the board of different fractions and call on various students to tell me what the fraction is.

Content Objective(s): o SWBAT draw equal fractional parts
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SWBAT identify the denominator and numerator. SWBAT create their own fractions using manipulatives

Common Core Standard: ! Number and Operations-Fractions 3.NF 1. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b


-Large real life picture of a pizza -Scissors -Circle cut-outs for student pizzas -Personal white boards & dry-erase markers -Caddy containing crayons and colored pencils -Baggies filled with 1/4 cup of skittles -Skittles worksheet

Direct Instruction: (20-30 minutes) Students will activate prior knowledge by participating in the following activity: All students will come to the front of the room Students will tell their shoulder partner how many are in the group (this is the denominator). Ask how many of the following (these will create the numerator): -boys or girls -have long or short hair -are tall/short Record each answer on the board as a fraction

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Students will go back to their seats and I will call their attention to the board. A real-life large picture of a pizza will be board. I will ask a student to come up to the board and cut the pizza in half Another student will come up and cut the pizza in fourths Third student will come up to the board and cut the pizza in eighths We will then do some practice fractions on the board using the pizza slices

7. Students will then get the chance to be the teacher and come up to the board and make the fraction 7/8 using the pizza slices 8. Another student will come up and make the fraction 6/8, another will make 5/8, 4/8 (etc...) Guided Practice: (10-15 minutes) 1. Tell students that today they will be making a pizza for their whole family, the only problem is everyone wants different toppings for their pizza! 2. For the purpose of this assignment, students will be told that mom wants pepperoni, dad wants mushrooms, brother/sister wants olives and you(student) want sausage and pepperoni. This will be written on the board so students can refer back to this for the next part of the assignment. 3. Paper passer will hand out blank circle that is sectioned into 8. This blank circle will be the canvas for students to construct their family pizza. 4. There will be caddy on each desk that contains crayons and colored pencils. 5. Teacher will instruct students to cover 1/8 of the pizza with Moms toppings, 3/8 with Dads toppings, 2/8 with brother/sister toppings and 2/8 with your toppings. (This will also be written on the board for students to refer to) 6. Students will label pizza slices with the appropriate fractions 7. I will walk around the room and assist students who may be struggling with this assignment.

8. Students will turn in their pizzas to me so I can assess their work. I will be hanging these colorful displays on our Look what I can do board outside the classroom. Independent Practice: (10-15 minutes) 1. Students are now going to create and write fractions using skittles 2. Explain to students that they will get to eat the skittles at the END of the activity, but not before then. 3. Student helper will pass out a plastic baggie filled with 1/4 cup of skittles to each students and another helper will pass out a worksheet 4. Students will begin by counting the total number of skittles in their bag (this will be the denominator for all the fractions in this activity) 5. Students will write the fraction for each color of the skittles under the appropriate color on the worksheet. For example, if there are 16 total skittles and 5 of them are yellow, the student would write 5/16 under the column labeled Yellow on their worksheet

6. Students will continue doing this until they have completed a fraction for each color skittle. 7. Students may enjoy their skittles Assessment: (5 minutes) I will walk around the room taking anecdotal notes while students complete the independent practice activity. Students will also be assessed by the pizza fractions activity they turned in. Closure: (5 minutes) Students will stand up, hand up and pair up and discuss two things they learned from todays activities.

Content Objective(s): o SWBAT identify and create equivalent fractions Common Core Standard: ! Number and Operations-Fractions 3.NF 3b. Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g.. 1/2=2/4. 4/6=2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent. e.g. by using a visual fraction model


-Fraction bars printout (see attached) -Crayons -Chart paper and markers -Scissors -Computers -Tape

Direct Instruction: (10-15 minutes) On the board I will write: 5 dimes are equivalent to 2 quarters. 3+5 is equivalent to 5+3 1/2 is equivalent to 50% I will read these sentences aloud then ask students to discuss with their shoulder partner what they think the term equivalent means. We will then have a class discussion on this term and go over a few more examples on the board. Guided Practice: (10-15 minutes) 1. Explain to students that you will be teaching them about equivalent fractions, or fractions that are equal in value. 2. Print out fraction pizzas and make an enlarged copy of each pizza. Cut out the three pizzas and tape them to the board. Invite three student helpers to come to the board. Have each student stand next to one of the pizzas. Then give each student a crayon. Explain that the helpers will color a fraction of the pizzas to show how much they ate. Ask the helpers to color 1/4 of the pizza that has four slices, 2/8 of the pizza that has eight slices and 3/12 of the pizza that has 12 slices.




Have the class to compare the shaded portions of the three pizzas and talk about what they observe in their small groups. Guide students to understand that the shaded portions are equivalent. Then point out that the unshaded portions are also equivalent. Write the equivalent fractions on the board or chart paper (1/4 = 2/8, 1/4 = 3/12, 2/8 = 3/12).

Independent Practice: (20-30 minutes) 1. Give each student a copy of the fraction bars reproducible (see attached). Have students color each row a different color and cut them out. 2. Prompt students to use the fraction bars to find 10 equivalent fraction pairs. 3. Write the equivalent fractions on chart paper as students discover them. 4. Ask students to draw pictures representing two equivalent fractions. Post students drawings on the chart paper. 5. Students will then showdown! in their groups to practice what they learned. *Showdown instructions Place showdown cards in center of the table (showdown cards will contain 2 fractions in which the students will have to write yes if they think the two fractions ARE equivalent and no if they think the fractions and not equivalent.) Showdown captain draws the top card and shows team. Team members belly write their answers. Thumbs up when done. Team mates show answers and discuss. Team does Thats the way uh huh uh huh I like it, uh huh uh huh cheer when everyone agrees with the answer

Assessment: (10 minutes)

Students will log on to where they will play MathPup Match. Like the game memory, students have to match the equivalent fractions

before they disappear from the board. When they clear all of the tiles they get to move on to the next level. Closure: (2-3 minutes)I will do a quick review on the board by writing some equivalent and non equivalent fractions on the board. As a class students will tell me which fractions are equivalent and which are not and why.


Content Objective(s): o SWBAT build and compare fractions in a set


SWBAT explain why two fractions are equivalent even though they use different numbers.

Common Core Standard: ! Number and Operations-Fractions 3.NF 3c. Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. Express whole numbers as fractions and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole number Materials: -1 inch square tiles (red, blue, yellow, and green) -1 inch grid paper -Crayons/markers -Task Cards

Direct Instruction: (10-15 minutes) 1. Teacher will prompt students by saying Using the tiles at your desk, create a design that is one half blue. 2. Allow students a minute or two to create their design. As they do, I will circulate around the room looking for simple and creative examples to share with the class. 3. After students complete their designs, discuss some of the differences in the class. -Did everyone use the same colors? -Does everybodys design look the same? Why not? How can that be since half of the design had to be blue? -Did everyone use the same amount of tile? Why or Why not? -How did you decide what you were going to do to create this pattern? -If we created another design, would you do it differently? How?

Guided Practice: (20-30 minutes) 1. Students will work in their small groups to build designs with one inch tiles, based on the description given on a task card. 2. Each student builds their representation for the card. Once all students in the group have finished, they discuss their designs and decide on which one they will use for their representation for the class. 3. Once the students agree on the design, each student will copy it onto a sheet of 1 inch graph paper. Below the picture they are to write a description and an equation of all the colors used in their design. Example:

Our design for card C has 1/8 yellow, 4/8 green and 3/8 red. 1/8 + 4/8 + 3/8 = 8/8 or 1 whole. Independent Practice: (15-20 minutes) Students will use the tiles to create their own task cards. Students should use 16 total tiles and use the denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. Students need to make sure that the fractions add up to 16/16ths or 1 whole. As students work, I will walk around the room and check to make sure that they are using the tiles to build fractions using the denominators 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8. I will also make sure that they are writing down the fractions they created on their task cards. These task cards will be handed in and used to assess students progress. Some examples of the task cards could be:

CARD A: Build a design that is... One fourth red One fourth green CARD B: Build a design that is... One eighth yellow Four eighths green CARD C: Build a design that is... One third blue Two thirds red
Assessment: Students will be assessed using the task cards they created and turned in from the independent practice portion of this lesson

Closure: (2-3 minutes) I will explain to students that they should now see that there are many different options for creating fractions. Just because the problem calls for a fraction in fourths, doesnt mean they need to use four tiles.

DAY 5 Content Objective(s): o SWBAT review content and demonstrate understanding of fractions Common Core Standard: ! Number and Operations-Fractions 3.NF 1. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b 3c. Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. Express whole numbers as fractions and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole number Materials: -Fraction matching game cards -Fraction worksheets (2) Direct Instruction: (10-15 minutes) 1. Warm up by having a review on all fraction concepts that we have been learning about in this unit. e.g. (what is a fraction? What is a numerator/denominator? What does it mean when a fraction is equivalent? etc..) 2. Review several pictorial representations of fractions and have students tell you what the fraction is that the picture represents. 3. Write down several fractions and have students draw a pictorial representation of that fraction on their whiteboard and thumbs up when done. Do several examples of each. 4. Remind students that fractions can still be equivalent or equal even if the numbers are different. 5. Have students justify why this is and do several examples of equivalent fractions on the board using the students assistance.

Guided Practice: (10-15 minutes) 1. 2. 3. 4. Students will quiz each other playing the fraction matching game. I will pass out one card to each student. I will then explain to students that the object of the game is to find your fraction match. For example, one student will have a card with a picture of a pie that has 8 pieces and 5 of the pieces are eaten. The have to find the student that has the card that reads 5/8 and vice versa. When students have all found their fraction match I will walk around the room and make sure they all have the correct match. 5. Students will sit back down and I will collect their cards.

6. We will then play the same game except students will have to find their equivalent fraction. Independent Practice: (15-20 minutes) 1. Hand out worksheet to students (See worksheet attached) 2. Model solving the first problem together 3. Do Sage N Scribe for the next two problems 4. Have students do the rest independently Students who finish early may move on to the next worksheet (See attached) Those who dont finish early will take worksheet home and finish it. Assessment: Independent practice Closure: (5-7 minutes) Boys and girl we learned a lot about fractions this week didnt we? I am going to play some music and when you hear the music stop I want to to pair up with the person closest to you and tell them what your favorite fraction activity was that we did this week and what you learned from that particular activity. Take turns and repeat to your partner I heard you say... Because... I will be drawing name sticks randomly and I want you to be able to repeat what your partner said their favorite activity was and what they learned

Brittany Basile
EDEL 433: Teaching Elementary School Math Fall 2012
Grade: 3rd Content Standard: Number & Operations (Fractions)

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