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7 Principles of Biblical Economics

1.All things belong to God Psalms 50:7-12 2. God appointed man to be a creative steward of His goods with ownership rights. Gen 1:28 Eph 6:5-8 Eph 6:9 Did you hear? 3. Theft of anothers goods is wrong. - Taking intangible property - Cds - Devaluing anothers goods or money - Destroying anothers goods or means of production - Excessive/oppressive/improper transactions - Forced redistribution of wealth - others? Class envy- covetousness/ demand for redistribution of rights. Ex 20:17 4. Skills and ability to work are from God. Ex 35:30-33 5. Work is profitable, good and to be pursued, laziness is not. 2 Thess 3:6 Prov 28:9 6. Love God, not your goods
Matt 6:19-20

7. Be compassionate and generous with your goods Lev 19:10 Eph 4:28

What are the gleanings? Squeezing out profit? Handouts or jobs? 1John 3:17/ Prov 29:7

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