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Isolate your own DNA

(An original protocol independently developed by Nexus)

Aim: To isolate DNA from your own cells Equipment: beaker, cup, salt, dishwashing liquid, test-tube, cold ethanol, wire hook, magnifying glass Method: 1. To a cup of water in a beaker, dissolve about teaspoon of salt and add a squirt of dishwashing detergent. Save this for step 3 2. Swirl about 25mls of water around your mouth for 30 seconds. This removes some cheek cells. Spit into a disposable cup 3. Add about 2cm of the fluid to a test-tube and add about 1cm of the saline/detergent solution. Invert gently 3 or 4 times to mix well (dont shake it as this will produce a lot of froth which you don't want). This will break open the many cheek cells you spat out, releasing the DNA message that each cell must carry. 4. Layer on top some ice-cold ethanol (or methanol). Strands of DNA will be seen where the two layers meet. Examine these with the magnifying glass. Hook out the strands of DNA that form with a glass hook (or one made from a plastic twist-tie) by slowly dipping up and down through the two layers. 5. You may wish to now attempt a gel electrophoresis of this DNA.

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