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Kosi Kalan is situated in BrijBhoomi, i.e.

, the area where lord krishna has spen t his childhood days . Town was named Kosi for being treasury of NandBaba (Fathe r of lord Krishna) (as Kosh means Treasure). The town is equally famous for its varied culture (since it is situated at tri-j unction of Uttar pradesh, Rajasthan and Haryana) as for its industrial developme nt.

Mathura is an extremely important pilgrimage city where Lord Krishna was born 5, 000 years ago. It is 150km south of Delhi and 14km from Vrindavan. Mathura is on the main train line between Delhi and Agra. Mathura is the center of Braja Mandala. Its parikrama path is 15 km (9 miles). T he two main places to visit here are Krishna Janmasthan (the appearance place of Krishna) and Vishram Ghata.

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