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Chaos Space Marine

1500 Black Legion
HQ: Abaddon the Despoiler (265) | Chaos Lord - Terminator, Combi-Bolter, Power W
eapon, Sigil of Corruption, Ichor Blood (135)
Troops: 10 Chosen - Power Weapons, Meltaguns (basics), Plasma Pistol, Power Weap
on (Champion), Icon of Vengeance x2 (490)
Transport: Chaos Rhino - Combi-Bolter, Havoc Launcher x2 (104)
Elite: 3 Chaos Terminators (95)
Transport: Land Raider - Dozer Blade, Dirge Caster (240)
Fast: Heldrake (170)
1500 World Eaters
HQ: Kharn the Betrayer (160) | Daemon Prince - Power Armour, Wings, Daemon of Kh
orne, Burning Brand of Skalthrax (250)
Troops: 9 Khorne Berzerkers - Chainaxes, Combi-Bolter (Champion), Veterans of th
e Long War (220) | 10 Khorne Berzerkers - Chainaxes x10 (460)
Transport: Chaos Rhino - Combi Bolter x3 (120)
Fast: Heldrake (170)
Heavy: Vindicator (120)
1500 Death Guard
HQ: Typhus (230) | Chaos Sorcerer - Mark of Nurgle, Terminator, Combi-Bolter, Fo
rce Weapon, Mastery 2 (125)
Troops: 5 Plague Marines x2 (240) | 30 Plague Zombie - FNP, Fearless, Slow and P
urposeful x2 (300)
Transport: Chaos Rhino x2 (70)
Elite: 3 Chaos Terminator - Mark of Nurgle (113)
Transport: Land Raider - Havoc Launcher, Dozer Blade, Dirgecaster (252)
Fast: Heldrake (170)
1500 Thousand Sons
HQ: Ahriman (230)| Chaos Sorcerer - Mark of Tzeentch, Mastery 3, Spell Familiar,
Sigil of Corruption, Scrolls of Magnus (210)
Troops: 9 Thousand Sons x2 (484)
Transport: Chaos Rhino - Havoc Launcher, Dozer Blade x2 (104)
Fast: Heldrake (170)
Heavy: Chaos Predator - Lascannon SS, TL Lascannon, Dozer Blade, Combi-Bolter x2
1500 Emperor's Children
HQ: Lucius the Eternal (165) | Chaos Lord - Mark of Slaanesh, Aura of Dark Glory
, Pair of Lightning Claws (125)
Troops: 10 Noise Marines - 8 Sonic Blasters, Blastmaster, Doom Siren, Icon of Ex
cess x2 (558)
Transport: Chaos Rhino - Dozer Blade x2 (80)
Elite: 4 Chaos Terminator - Pair of Lightning Claws, Mark of Slaanesh (170)
Transport: Chaos Land Raider - Dozer Blade (235)
Fast: Heldrake (170)

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