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Anthropometry Measurement Activity

Aim: Hypothesis: Apparatus: String, metre ruler Method - Part 1:

1. Work with a partner to get each other's measurements and completing your own measurements sheet (on next page). All measurements should be in centimeters. Leave the "Unique I.D." section blank. 2. After the measurement activity is completed, pick out a paper from the bag at the teachers desk. The number on the paper is your secret unique I.D. 3. (a) Fill out the "Unique I.D." section on your own Anthropometric Measurement Sheet and (b) write your name on the I.D. paper from the bag. 4. Return both the measurement sheets and I.D. papers to your teacher. The experiment will continue in the next period.
Method - Part 2:

1. Get into groups of 3. Each group will select a person (not the person you worked with in the previous class) to be identified. 2. Repeat the measurements that you took in the previous class, filling in a new Anthropometric Measurement Sheet. 3. When finished, fill out the Unique ID section with your selected students name. 4. Examine the Measurement sheets from the previous class (on the wall) to find the I.D. number of the student whose measurements are being taken today without the selected student revealing his I.D. number. 5. You will be asked to present your findings to the rest of the class. In presenting, you will need to answer the following questions: a. How did you match your person's measurements to those taken in the previous class? b. Are all the measurements the same? Why or why not? Discussion/Conclusion: 1. Were there significant differences between the two sets of measurements? If so why? If not, why? 2. Name two factors that could cause error in the measurements taken. 3. Would you consider this the best method of human classification? Support your answer with at least two reasons.

Anthropometric Measurements

Please measure the following features and record each measurement in centimeters: 1. Height: ________ cm 2. Sitting height: ________ cm 3. Length of outstretched arm from one index fingertip to the other: ________ cm 4. Length of outstretched arm from shoulder to the index fingertip: ________ cm 5. Length of lower arm from elbow to wrist: ________ cm 6. Length of right ear: ________ cm 7. Length of head from front to back: ________ cm 8. Circumference of the head: ________ cm

Unique ID: _______________

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