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Brand Elements

Building Brand Equity Chapter 4

Choice Criteria
Memorability - recognition, recall Meaningfulness - persuasive Likability - fun, visually pleasing Transferability - across products, borders Adaptability - flexible, updatable Protectability - legal, competitive

Naming Criteria
Descriptive - function (Japan Airlines) Compounds - combo (Redbull) Classical - Latin based (Meritor) Arbitrary - no apparent tie (Apple) Fanciful - coined (Avanade)

Suggestive Names
Benefit ColorStay lipstick; Die Hard battery Function Shake n Bake; Lean Cuisine Country-of-origin Haagen Dazs, Yoplait

Brand Linguistics
Phonics alliteration (Coca-Cola) Orthographic spelling (Kool); abbreviation (7 Up, IBM) Morphologic compound (Janitor-in-a-drum) Semantic Metaphor (Arrid)

URL: Domain Names

84,000p per day registered Unauthorized use Brand recall criteria Yahoo!

Symbols (Prudentials rock, Allstates hands) Mnemonic (Sprints pin drop metaphor) Updated (Chryslers winged badge)

Animated (doughboy, tiger) Live-action (Maytag repairman, Bud frogs) Updating (Aunt Jemima, Betty Crocker)

Shorthand hook (like a good neighbor) Category link (Dockers/pants) Positioning (nothing runs like a Deere) Hyperbole (Bayer works wonders) Reinforcement (Just do it) Slogan quiz p. 209

Packaging Objectives
Identify brand (Mentadent shape) Present information (Bayer dosage) Protect product (Tylenol seals) Facilitate storage (Figi square bottles) Help consumption (V8 to six packs) POP displays (Lip balm) Color palate (orange Tide, yellow Kodak)

How do the Budweiser Frogs contribute to consumer brand equity? What does the phrase Can you hear me now? do for the brand? What supermarket package is most memorable to you? Why?

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