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1.1. Background of the study

"Never before have we had so little time in which to do so much." Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1942

If that was true in his time, how much more accurate is it today? Today, technologies keep evolving that never ceases to amaze us. Most of us turn our TVs or computers on the minute we wake up, or return to our homes. Phones no longer meant for conversation which we don't have the time to read the massive instructions, to learn how to operate it. Peaceful walks disrupted by honking and zooming of vehicles like today would be their last. Sometimes the fast pace of this life is just overwhelming, and people at times don't know which way to turn. People are so


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unaccustomed to silence, and yet people wonder why they don't feel at peace. Everywhere we go, there is noise, chaos, and busyness -- will there be a retreat from such things? The only way we can change all this, is to find a place of solitude to retreat. Jesus often withdrew to solitary places which may be dessert or mountains to be alone with His Father (Luke 4:42, Mark 1:35). According to the, the word retreat means it is the act of pulling back or withdrawing, as from something dangerous, or unpleasant. Retreat is a time to think over our faults. It is a time to review our past and make corrections. We have gone through many experiences some good and some bad - retreat gives a chance for us to pause, to take note of, appraise and to reconsider them (Thirumeni, 2000). Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD), a Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher, who was best known for his Meditations said, For nowhere either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble does a man retire than into his own soul, particularly when he has within him such thoughts that by looking into them he is immediately in perfect tranquility; and I affirm that tranquility is nothing else than the good ordering of the mind The Philippines is blessed with so much scenery and nature that it seems to be a paradise for retreats. There are different religious and secular facilities that hold retreats, recollection, seminars, Bible schools, etc, but only a few that could cater the needs of the people. Although Negros Occidental is blessed with various retreat centers to freely exercise faith, most have insufficient facilities and facilities. There


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seem to be few Christian venues where one can study and go deeper in the Word of God and just meditate to feel His presence. Onukwugha (2007) explained that meditation is like planting the seeds of God's thought in your heart and letting your consciousness grow on it. You grow on what you feed on. Then you train your spirit to dominate the body through a renewed mind. Therefore, the best way to develop the human spirit is by using the Word of God and performing spiritual exercises. Training your human spirit is just like developing your intellect or your muscles. Jesus even encouraged His disciples to go to a quiet spot to pray and meditate. Then Jesus suggested, "Let's get away from the crowds for a while and rest" (Mark 6:31). Our spirit needs these times of refreshing to relax, commune with God, and just be still. This project is considered to be put into operation so that religion could be freely exercised and help one another in their spiritual development. Michael R. Valderrama (2012), a Sun Star newspaper, claimed that religion plays a very important part in our everyday lives as Filipinos. Therefore, religious facilities are essential. Moreover according to, Christian retreat centers are a needed haven for Christian leaders and lay-members alike. Church and ministry leaders desperately need Christian retreat centers to escape for spiritual rejuvenation. Today's modern pastor may face more stress and friction in his calling than in previous generations. In North America alone, an average of 1,500 pastors and ministry leaders step down from their post each month! Many never return to their leadership positions. Some surveys say


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55% of American pastors would change careers if they had a good offer. Most stated this feeling was due to rejection and stress. In recent years, 80% of seminary and Bible school graduates who entered Christian ministry left within the first five years. Upward of 70% of pastors fight depression constantly. 85% of ministry leaders say their greatest problem is they're sick and tired of dealing with uncooperative people. Upward of 80% of ministry spouses feel unqualified and discouraged ( The landowner decided to go partnership with his church and offer to transform his beach resort to be used as the site for the benefit the Horizon Christian Fellowship which is to be named Horizon Training and Retreat Center. They believed that the people are always in need to grow in deeper knowledge and intimate relationship with God. They found that there seem to be neither retreats nor Bible training camps for the Christians within or nearby the city. The intention of the proposed project was primarily for its church members but they willingly opened the venue to different church groups to assist in their activities such as camps, leadership training, seminars, conferences, meditations and other Christian related activities. This will be a challenge for the Christians and the owners to provide an environment that can accommodate different kinds of activities and training that will not only be for the Christian youth but for all Christians regarding their desire for spiritual growth and deeper relationship with God. The site is situated at Brgy. Makikiling, Hinigaran, Negros Occidental. Presently, the beach is closed and yet maintained regularly due to its former use. Due to it being opened to various Christian groups, it is appropriate to address this challenge. Christian retreat and training camp can be defined in the simplest of


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terms as a definite time which may be a few hours in length to a month spent away from one's normal life for the purpose of reconnecting with God through prayer and studying deeper into His Word. The type of users and occupants, the behavior of these prospected clients, the frequency and the kind of activities, the length of stay, and the facilities mostly used have to be noted. Their needs have to be clearly identified and understood. Renovating if possible to the former beach resort structures but developing and adding new structures will be the extent of the project. The researcher is very much interested to present an architectural design of Horizon Training and Retreat Center that would give an individual an experience the presence of the Lord and opportunity of a transformed life.

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