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Letter to the president of the United States

Dear Sir Obama, My name is Daniel Kirchner and I am a 16 year old student from Austria. During the course of our English lesson we watched the film Bowling for Columbine, which you might know. In the first place let me describe the situation in our class after the film was over. Quiet, shocked faces and stares that asked why. And I really hope that you can answer me that question why. Why do people, like the two students from Columbine High School, go out and kill many people? Why do they have this weapons? Why does nobody realizes that despite (or because) the 200 mil. guns in the U.S, there are nearly a thousand people killed every year? I informed myself a little bit about your statements concerning gun laws and I at first I was happy that you have been elected to President. But then I realized that all the news I read, deal with your statements before your term of office. Due to the fact that many politician promise the moon to the voter before an election, I have to remind you. Firstly, in America nearly a thousand people are killed every year. Secondly, it is extremely easy to obtain a gun in the U.S. Thirdly, even though the U.S intensified the supervision in schools after the Columbine massacre there were 80 more shootings later on. To conclude this, I ask you to turn your attention, at least for a short moment, to all these problems mentioned above. Yours sincerely, Daniel Kirchner

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