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8 November 2012

Native Application vs. Web Hybrid Application

We discussed the advantages of using a hybrid app approach in the development of my project, with the big benefit of much wider device compatibility. We looked at what it would mean for the development and testing processes and how my web development skills could play a role in creating an good application.
A comparison of a hybrid and native mobile application should be drawn up with a detailed
description into why I have chosen to create a hybrid application.


Functional Specification
We also discussed what I have achieved so far and looked at the research and background planning I have completed. Now that I have finished my analysis of the problem I am trying to solve I should move my efforts into creating a specification for the project.
Create a functional Specification, based on what I have learnt though my analysis and planning of my
project up to this point. Create a use case diagram or UML from this specification for a higher level view.

Triangulation of research
We talked about how I have approached my research in a similar way to that of a Triangulation of research methods. We discussed what other areas I should look into when looking to solve design problems I my application.
Look into how Google uses circles in their platform. Look at how Facebook lets users manage Facebook Groups and Facebook Pages.

Product design and HCI

We looked at how I would design the application briefly and how HCI was going to play a role when I creating the visual design of the application. We discussed the importance of having a clear visual style that meant the application could be used without any lots of instructions.
Finish prototypes of the application design and document how HCI and user engagement has been

Database Design
We discussed how familiar I am with databases and checked over the fact that I had started to think about how the database structure would come about.
Create a high level overview of the database structure, including tables and key relationships.

Next Meeting will be held Thursday 22nd November at 2PM

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