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Sixteen core values integrated into the curriculum (1) Cleanliness of body and mind: personal cleanliness; cleanliness

ss of the environment. (2) Compassion and tolerance: compassionate; generous; charitable; tolerance; considerate; hospitable; patience. (3) Cooperation: mutual responsibility; fraternity. (4) Courage: courage as opposed to foolhardiness. (5) Moderation: moderation in thought; moderation in speech; moderation in action. (6) Diligence: industriousness; hardworking; perseverance; dedication. (7) Freedom: freedom within the law; freedom to choose; freedom from slavery. (8) Gratitude: gratefulness; thankfulness; appreciation. (9) Honesty: truthfulness; trustworthiness; faithfulness; sincerity. (10) Humility and modesty: as opposed to showing off; as opposed to arrogance; admission of ones fault. (11) Justice: a sense of fair play; concept of reward and punishment. (12) Rationality: flexibility of thought; weighing of alternatives. (13) Self reliance: responsibility; independence; autonomy. (14) Love: love for the environment; love for life and humanity; love for the nation, patriotism; love for peace and harmony. (15) Respect: respect for rules, law and authority; respect for time and punctuality; respect for institutions;

respect for exemplary behaviour; respect for parents; respect for elders, teachers, and leaders; respect for anothers beliefs and customs; respect for knowledge and wisdom. (16) Public spiritedness: Spirit of gotong royong (working together); Sensitiveness towards societal needs.

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