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Antonio is a 22 year old man. His parents are both dead, and he has no siblings.

He moved to England from Mexico when he was 14, where he was later adopted by a catholic family. He is unemployed, but is interested in theatre. We rst see Antonio outside his house. We see him acting out a violent argument on his own. After a while, Antonio spots Dom (an apparent friend) walking towards him, so quickly stops. They greet each other, and Dom reminds Antonio about a party and asks wether hes going. Antonio says he might. Later that day Antonio goes into the local pub and meets Dom and others in there. They talk and drink, however later on some rough looking men go up to Antonio and begin to be racist. Fortunately Antonios friends back him up, calling the men Fags and Queers, being blatantly homophobic. We see Antonio feels uncomfortable by this. On his way home he stops, and enters, a shop in the high street where he uses a machine to print some photographs. Once home Antonio goes straight to his bedroom, where he cuts and sticks the photographs to his wall. We dont see what they are. The next day Antonio walks up to a church, where he enters and attends a sermon. Afterwards, he prays using rosemary beads and enters the confessions box. He confesses the having sexual thoughts towards a man, the priest reassures him and tells him to pray for guidance. Once home Antonio enters his bedroom again. He tears down the photographs on the wall in a rage. He then kneels down and prays again. However, afterwards he realises what he did and tries to put the photographs back up. But realising he cant, he begins to cry. We see that the photographs are of Dom. The next day Antonio makes his way to Doms at, and Dom lets him in. Dom sees Antonio is distressed and asks whats wrong. Antonio is hesitant at rst, but then proclaims his love for Dom. Dom, shocked, tries to explain to Antonio that he isnt a homosexual. However, Antonio is insistent and begins grabbing Dom and getting uncomfortably close. Dom pushes Antonio off of him, and pushes him out of his at. Antonio falls to the ground and begins to shake, he pulls a knife out of his pocket. Antonio stabs himself violently whilst silently reciting a prayer. Left bleeding on the oor outside of Doms at, Antonio dies.

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