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Hormones 1.

Growth Hormone

CHO metabolism HYPERGLYCEMIC -Diminish uptake glucose by cell -Decrease number of insulin receptor -Decrease utilization glucose -Increase glucagon deposition

Protein metabolism ANABOLIC -Increase transport amino acid into cells -Increase protein synthesis by cell -Stimulate transcription RNA -Decrease protein catabolism

Lipid metabolism LIPOLYTIC -Increase utilization of fat release fatty acid -Enhance FA Acetyl coA (energy)

Other functions -indirectly in the bone and skeleton -Stimulate erythropoiesis -Increase GIT absorption of Ca & Phosphate -Decrease excretion of Na&K

2.Thyroid HYPERGLYCEMIC hormones (T3,T4) -Increase absorption from GIT -Enhance gluconeogenesis

BOTH -LOW dose : increase formation -HIGH dose : excess cabolism

Increase all aspect of lipid metabolism Lipolytic>lipoge nic

-^BMR >60-100% -^ synthesis many intracellular enzymes -^Na K ATPase Mito : ^ size, no& activity -Carotene vit A -Growth of sk muscle and NS -CVS: ^affinity to catecholamine & increasebloodflow -^respiration -GIT: ^secretion & motility -Sexual : normal menstruation & fertility ^milk secretion


HYPERGLYCEMIC Stimulate glycogenolysis(liver )

Mobilize FFA from adipose tissue

-^metabolic rate -^HR & force contraction & vc -Splenic contraction -vc of renal bv decrease urine -^rate & depth resp -Potentiate sk m contraction & vd of sk muscle bv -Excite NS alert -^visual field

4.Glucocorticcoid HYPERGLYCEMIC -Stimulate gluconeogenesis (liver) -^mobilization amino acid to liver -Decrease glucose utilization by cell

CATABOLIC exc liver -Reduce cellular protein EXC liver: *Decrease synthesis *Increase catabolism -^liver protein & plasma protein (liver) -Diminish transport amino acid into extrahepatic cells

LIPOLYTIC -Increase lipolysis -Increase its utilization of energy

-Circulatory system -Skeletal muscle -NS -Blood cells & immunity -Ca metabolism & bone -Anti inflamm. & anti allergic effects


HYPOGLYCEMIC -Facilitate entry glucose into cells -Facilitate glycogenesis (liver)

ANABOLIC -Active transport amino acid into cells -Direct effect on ribososme forming

LIPOGENESIS -Decrease utilization of fat -Promote lipogenesis

-Synergistic with GH -^ activity Na K ATPase K enter cells

-Inhibit gluconeogenesis

new proteins -Inhibit catabolism of protein -Conserve amino acid in protein stores


HYPERGLYCEMIC -Glycogenolysis (liver) -Gluconeogenesis

-Increase hepatic deamination of amino acid

LIPOLYTIC -Activate hormone sensitive lipase -^ketone body formation

-Stimulate secretion of GH, insulin and pancreas SS

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