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Dale cone of learning presents to us different ways to bring across a lesson that will allow the learner to retain

information. Located at the top of the cone are more abstract methods and they become more concrete as they follow beneath, the activities that are at the base of the cone are the most concrete. This cone of learning does not follow a hierarchy but instead it is a guide with activities to address the different learning styles. In my lessons I would use dale cone of experience to create a mixture of experience activities based on the learning styles of the class. Some student may be more adept at explaining while others are advance in performing. To address this and mixture of concrete and abstract activities can be used in order enhance the learning experience and to maximize student retention. As a teacher we should not use only one method as there isnt a perfect way to teach everyone as we all learn differently. All of the experience concrete and abstract is effective if they are used in context and with the students whose learning style requires it.


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