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Im taking an instrumental from from a track in a movie and setting that as the background.

Im will be taking bits and pieces from the instrumental and setting the opposite of where i got it from. Im thinking about putting a second track in the background with the same process. Im using a form of arpeggio, I chose different number of repeats for each section. With each time the secondary tracks play it phases a little and changes with each one so it sound as if it a different beat but it isnt, it is the same beat it just sounds different because of the other secondary tracks that are playing at the same time. The number sequence I chose is 2,5,4,1,1,2,1,1,1 then when the background track loops i change the number sequence to 1,4,3,2,2,2,1,1,1. All I did was if the number was 2 or more I look away a loop and if was under 2 I added a loop. I repeated the background tracks two time since they are each like 4 minutes long.

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