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Following is another case analysis, please coment and guide for the further action:


Hahnemannian Classification of Disease: Seems to be periodic type (observe If it is acute exacerbation type) of chronic disease as recurrence of similar condition/process has been elicited in the past during the case examination. The process is Dynamic as there is an alteration of the vital force and it is progressive (gradual) as seen from its evolution.. Miasmatic as there seems to have psedo-psoric disposition (because recurrence of inflammations of infective or allergic origin resulting into crepitation and P/H of pathology like pneumonia) , It is fully developed as the alteration in the system/vital force presents with sickness at local as well as at the individual level. What is to be cured in this case ( 3): a. Hypersensitivity at the level of Respiretory tract as Periodic Type (?Acute Exacerbation Type) chronic, Psuedo-psoric, dynamic, fully developed Hyperreactive Airway Disease (HRAD) (as cough with shortness of breath with wheezing and crepititions and fever, P/H Pneumonia) having gradual evolution (may be infective or allergic in nature) characterized by spasmodic continuous cough < night (1:30 am-6 am)2, draft of air2and also sensitive to Oil/Ghee2 > Carried
b.Susceptibility ( 211, 31; Chronic Disease Latent Psora): Moderately high(Due to recurrence and progressively increasing, but even then general condition is good so not severely high)

Latent Psora Desire chalk2, Ice-cream2 Sensitivity - draft2; Delayed milestones. Dentition diarhoea, Sweat on face, head Latent Sycosis Sleeps on abdomen which makes him comfortable

Psedo-Psora - Recurrent inflammation in Respiretory system with crepitations and P/H of pneumoniat with relatively adequate reactivity for expressing characteristic symptoms < cold2, draft; < Oil/Ghee2 ?Sycosis Inflammation Air way spasms

Repertorial Totality: In this case, individualistic symptoms are mainly of dispositional type than of the pathology itself. At mental level, sensitivity to scolding or reproach is seen but is not specific as we have data related to his actions/behavior rather than underlying disturbance responsible for the same. Hence, the following repertorial references are taken from Complete Repertory:

Pica is not in curative power of Phosphorus. Silicia does not have Lying on abdomen in its proving. Calcarea carb and Calcarea phos seems more similar to the case. Carcinosin may be indicated but is not covering Pica as well specificity of sensitivity is not clear in the case. The patients lean, thin, rickety small stature with recurrent respiratory affections with Carried being amel. (Complete Dynamics Repertory) suggest Calc-p. as a drug. But does it have the patients sensitivity in its curative power? References of Calc-p. with regards to reproach and anxiety, conscience of agrees to it, however these are still extended understanding than the facts. References from Materia Medica: Herrings Guiding Symptoms: Cough with hoarseness of voice; with shortness of breath Kents Materia Medica: Hoarseness dry hacking cough day and night. In thin pale sickly people with dry hacking cough worse in cold damp weather in rheumatic constitutions. Allens Encyclopedia: In the air, eyes worse; coryza, hoarseness, cough,3. In the evening, sore throat, with tickling cough, increasing after going to bed,5. Tickling-crawling in the throat that excites a dry cough (sixth day),6. Voice. Hoarseness and cough, day and night,5. Dry cough, with hoarseness and soreness, and dryness in the throat,5. Indicated Remedy: Calc phos Potency 1M: As susceptibility is moderately high, so as per 26, adequate force is required and also the correspondence of disease picture to the drug picture is good. Posology Patient is on antibiotics and crepitations are present, so more than one dose will be required, but after monitoring, the next morning.

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