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interview a person who wears glasses

Designed by

Centro de Estudios Tecnolgicos y Industriales y de Servicios 109

Name: Carlos Mndez Hernndez Matter: English Teacher: Marisol Castillo Mohamed

Semester: 3 Group: D
Speciality: Informtica

interviewee person

Aldo Gmez

since age did you start wearing glasses? R= at age 11 I think good how did you realize you needed glasses? R= well I started to realize when reading could not see well the lyrics and I told my parents and that was when I account incl.

someone else in your family wear glasses? R= I think if my dad is by age.

you like wearing glasses? R= I do not really like it but because it is necessary to read the I have to use

someone to some fun of you for wearing glasses? R= if I was in high school they said four hojos you made it a habit to wear glasses? R=if I bring almost always loading since occupied much

Thanks for your time in this interview.

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