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43. Grammar, ambiguity, and the lexicon S11, Vagueness les from Empson's Seven types idiom, and sense telations $42. Disarnbiguien ion P43. Infinite Polysemy S44. Setting? Ss Ambiguity, Polysemy, ang interpretation: some final examples Bibliography i Subject index Author index 89 89 93 94 99 101 102 106 108 mW m7 "7 119 119 121 124 124 126 128 133 133 134 137 140 141 147 157 159 Pecks of ambiguity in this sense have beer Kaplan (1950-1); student of propaganda j Stacle to Successful communicution, Even the scien; Of verbalistic disputes that turn on confused multi in the controversy.» imbiguity an enormous ob- Ces are not altogether free iple meanings of key terme {n fact, both in the past and in the present, ambi smost discussed in a pragmatic con| euity has been first and text, althou igh theoretica} obser Tvations @ are n Ot always absent in the Metaphorical uy: e lang, Q intilian Custiuutig Ora VI:3.46 ffi); Whose digg sion o 'BUILY IS far Jog orginal, consider ove al device fre tly a abused itt dour, *ooms; the rem Tks he makes in that connect ” On Cicero’, FPutation for this, Wwouig seein to imply that Quin tition IS not in ‘Our of it, ' * The aims of the 17th century Frengh i; Buist Vaugetas (see Mok 1968b) in his discussion oF Equivogue? f° 180 ih the Fire * Practical, He scorns “construction Touschés* tg Und in senteng h as 1a Fille dy fermmiier guj NOUS vend des legume, Where the reta 81S prescription, 0 il ir e3 tive qu ti 00ks are Not alt © found in older books, ang 2 i can have cither fie Ot fernrier aS its antecedent, and he AVOId this Kj it i mbiguity in Speaking ang Writing, Bes of a Usually mentioneg in Mbiguit ty Bether ney, fone Compares them with few of them are 48 Claborg teas is o. Lear0r cal ity hat arises thro, igh Ablishing they, er ations, and two te- : but distinguig d types Which have their Source jn Constituent Structure: Bear. BONE combines "OF elements, and Seay} eS, Wrong division of elements is ex, le of ty iS fourth, PC is the s, Neen, PO TEU eon bs Kae roi which OF course should Mean Five Plus three’, by t cou, 0 be take, f0 mean ‘five jg {Wo and five ig three’, if one 78 10 overlook that the division should betwee, ort and ‘e, Bot t ample and Aristotte’s lanation Of it rey all rece, t di ssions of biguity 1 coord}. Nation (see 1968¢:297) After Mac woie, ‘accentuatio Aristotle has a type ambi ity, OYRuce AéFeee, *§ OF expression? In To, (as, 1b) this S illustrated as follows, ‘To love’ C8 dire, ) asc » Used OF the State ‘ind, has to ‘hate? © moetv) ag its contrary, ile aS useg Of the physicay Activity it hag none; clearly, therefore, 4 ‘love’ j biguous term’, The ‘Xample an Aristotle’, ments on it are interesting for Several ’80ns. Firstly, use he drays attention to the NOn-equivalence OF verbs that are simi Pliologi I Sembequivalent Syittactically, and Second. % because hy slich a state OF affairs (See also the liscussion in De so.

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