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Fiat double bind Either the harms to the 1AC are true and they cannot solve for

r extinction before they control the levers of power OR their harms are constructed for the purpose of alarmism which makes them symbolic terrorists. Their model of fiat cedes the political and papers over personal responsibility Kappeler 95 (Susanne, The Will to Violence: The politics of personal behavior, Pg. 10-11)
Which is why many of those not yet entirely disillusioned with politics tend to engage in a form of mental deputy politics, in the style of 'what would I do if I were the general, the prime minister, the president, the foreign minister or the minister of defense?'

Even if their education arguments are right, they cannot account for the masses disengagement from politics, only the alt solves Gilbert 2009 (Jeremy, "Deleuzian Politics? A survey and Some Suggestions", New Formations, EBSCO)
When weighing up the legacy of this tradition today, it is worth reflecting that the degradation of actually existing democracy under neoliberal conditions in recent decades, especially in the years since the fall of the Berlin wall, has lent much weight to the hypothesis that a democratic politics which has no anti-capitalist dimension can only ultimately fail, as the individualisation of the social sphere and the corporate control of politics progressively undermine the effectiveness of public institutions

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