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Diagram 5 shows the set- up of an experiment to demonstrate a process in plants.

(a) What is the process demonstrated by the set-up experiment? (1m) Transpiration

(b) Why is the process important to plants? (2m) Transpiration helps water from the roots move up the xylem to leaves. Transpiration causes a cooling effect as a result of the evaporation of water vapour from the leaves surfaces.

(c) Name the part of which is represented by (3m) (i) (ii) (iii) the porous pot : Leaf the tube X : Xylem vessel the pores in the porous pot : Stomata

(d) Suggest two conditions that can make the meniscus move faster along the tube X. (2m) Higher surrounding temperature and light intensity (e) Predict the movement of the meniscus if Vaseline is smeared on the porous pot. (1m) The meniscus will stop moving. (f) What does the smearing of Vaseline represent in a plant? How does it affect the process demonstrated by this experiment? (2m)

It represents the closing of stomata. This prevents transpiration from taking place. (g) Explain the condition of a plant during a hot day (2m) During hot days, the plant wilts to reduce the surface area exposed to sunlinght as to reduce the rate of transpiration. Stomata also closed to prevent the plant from drying up.

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