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Chapter IV A Presentation of Data, Software Product Analysis And Interpretation of Data

4.1 The Existing System The time-consuming searching and reservation of books in the library serves as one of the burden of the existing system. 4.2 The Need to Develop the Proposed System For better and more efficient processing of the library reservation there is need to develop the proposed system. 4.3 Prospective User and Beneficiaries The prospective users are the librarian and students who can

benefit a lot from the proposed system. The proposed system will provide more efficient and more 4.4 Components of the Proposed System 4.4.1 Menu Driven The system has tab menus or list of options for different categories that leads to different locations depending on the desired purpose. 4.4.2 User Friendliness

The proposed system is design such that the average user of a computer can easily use or operate it without problems. 4.4.3 Security The system has a secure login interface provided for staffs to prevent unauthorized person accessing the system. The user login also has a three times login attempt. 4.4.4 Back up Facility Backup of the system files can be done regularly depending on the user. 4.5 Hardware and Software Specification Hardware Requirements: Processor Hard Disk Memory Keyboard Mouse Pentium IV or higher Minimum10GB or higher Capacity 512 MB or higher Standard keyboard Scroll ball or optical mouse

Software Specification: Operating System Windows XP

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