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Joyce Le March 9 Period 2 Great Awakening Outline I. Introduction A.

Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield were considered the catalyst to this period of revivalism. B. Many thousands of people were revived and converted. C. The Great Awakening was a significant time in history because it revived thousands of people in New England, included the works of George Whitefield, and Jonathan Edwards was another preacher who sparked this event. II. George Whitefield A. Whitefield in his earlier days B. Whitefield goes to New England C. Whitefields works in New England D. Sermons in America E. Old South Presbyterian Church III. Revivalism in New England A. The New World and its settlers B. Jonathan Edwards involvement C. George Whitefields involvement D. A divided nation E. Results

IV. Jonathan Edwards and his involvement A. Edwardss sermons B. Sinners at Hands of an Angry God V. Conclusion A. During this time period, Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield were spreading the word of God in the New England Colonies. B. The Great Awakening was a turning point for religion because Jonathan Edwards preached the word of predestination, people in the New World were revived, and George Whitefield helped spread the word of God to many.

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