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Hansel & Gretel

2. You eat these sweets to make your mouth fresh. It is also the flavour of toothpaste. 7. This magical horse has a horn on its head. 8. You get one of these to eat on your birthday. 12. A cool, sweet treat. Vanilla is very popular! 13. This sweet is very popular when going to the movies. You can also get it salty! 15. Hansel's sister's name. 16. These sweets are sometimes hung on Christmas trees as decorations.

1. This is the short way to write the word Christmas. 3. These sweets are made by boiling sugar, and are very chewy.! 4. Fairytales normally begin with the phrase, Once _____ a time. 5. This is what the witches house is made from 6. A female wizard. 8. Charlie and the ___________ Factory. 9. Gretel's brother's name. 10. This is used to decorate a cake. 11. A wibbly wobbly pudding, comes in flavours like strawberry and orange. 14. This sweet stuff is made by bees. 17. This fruit is often added to the top of an ice-cream. sundae

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