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GUANGCO, Renz Victor T. BIO1033 / November 27, 2011 Prof. Laza 1.) Why do multicellular organisms undergo Mitosis?

A: For multicellular organisms cell division allows an organism to grow and develop from a single cell to trillions of cells, to repair and replace cells worn out and used up by everyday life, and in some cases, to make specialized cells for reproduction. 2.) What is the longest phase of Mitosis? Why? A: Prophase. Because in this phase, the chromosomes condense, nuclear membrane disappears, and chromatids move about the cell , which takes longer than other stages. Interphase may be the longest phase in the Cell Cycle but it is not part of Mitosis. 3.) Justify the definition of Meiosis 1: Reductional Division. A: Meiosis or Meiosis 1 is the Reductional Division stage of Meiosis because the number of chromosomes become reduced, or rather, the diploid cell, after Meiosis 1, becomes Haploid. 4.) How many egg cells are produced after Meiosis 2? Will all of them undergo maturation and ovulate later? Why? A: After MII, 8 new egg cells are produced. They will not all go maturation at the process of Meiosis, the stage will be halted to Meiosis 2 after they ovulate, and the stage will continue to if fertilization takes process. 5.) What do you call the product of 2nd Meiosis Division? Are they, at this stage, capable of fertilization? Why? A: Products of Meiosis 2 in males are Spermatids which will later mature while the product is an

mature egg in females. Male spermatids need to mature first before they could fertilize the eggs, while in female, since it is stuck on Metaphase 2 after ovulation and it can only continue until fertilization, we can say that the final product of Meiosis on females are capable of fertilization. SOURCES: 1st Powerpoint in Embryology for 2nd Semester

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