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All About Me Essay

My name is James Mitchell, and I am an eighteen-year-old freshman here at The University of North Carolina at charlotte. I was born in Greenville, South Carolina, but have lived in Hickory, North Carolina since the age of three years old. My parents, Ellen and Jeff Mitchell, have instilled hard-working, modest morals since the day I was born, and I am very thankful for that blessing. Not only have my instilled morals shaped my life, but also the pressure and commitment of my older brother which has driven me to be the best I can be. I have one sibling, Christopher Mitchell, who is a twenty-four-year-old hard-worker that I can thankfully say has shaped my life in so many beneficial ways. Because of the dedication and commitment of my family, I have become the person I am today. Often the hardest thing to do in life is explaining the most difficult person of all, you. So when one is asked to define him or herself in detail to others that have no clue who he or she is, he or she must first define oneself. When I think about defining myself, a list of achievements, morals, and goals come to mind because that is what truly defines someone. If I were to describe myself, I would start by defining my younger years. Once I moved to Hickory, North Carolina at the age of three, my athletic career had officially started. Playing soccer, basketball, and baseball for the local recreation department and YMCA, I was very active as a young child. Since I was active in sports, my diet and activities had to significantly change. This is a huge contribution to my life style because I still love to be physically fit and fuel my body with healthier food choices. Once I was the age of five, my life was changed for the better again. My parents decided it would be a good idea to get me involved with Cub

Scouts because of the leadership opportunities, life-skill lessons, and pristineness of the highest rank, Eagle Scout. Even though Boy Scouts was not my favorite and I often dreaded it, I am very thankful for the decision my parents made because I have learned manners, respect, and hardwork through the leadership opportunities and life-lessons taught in Boy Scouts. The early decisions of my parents to include my life in athletics and Boy Scouts has made me into the healthier and overall better person I am today. By the time I was in fifth grade, my life had once again made another step toward the person I am today. At this time, my brother was in high school and was on the high school soccer team. Ryan Succop, a boy on the soccer team, had recently decided to kick for the high school football team. Watching Ryan kick the ball through the field-goals on kickoff and blasting sixty-plus-yard field goals, I knew I wanted to be just like him. My goals had officially been planted and nothing could change them, or so I thought.

Often, middle school is a confusing, hard-time in many young-teenagers lives. Yes, middle school was a difficult time, but I happened to learn a lot about myself and religion which continued to mold me into the person you see today. In the fall of seventh-grade year, I was

informed with news that my best friend, my grandmother had been diagnosed with stage-four cancer. Starting in the stomach and moving to the surrounding vital-organs, the malignantcancer gave my grandmother no chance of survival. Living for over a year more than projected, she defied modern medicine and taught me many things in the process. After her death, faith had officially become a huge part of my life, and my goals and reason on this Earth were seen with much clarity. Even though her death was a tragedy, I can thankfully contribute this event in my life as a defining piece because this not only changed my relationship with God and who I am, but also my future. Because of the events and tragedies in middle school, I now knew that science was the only field for me. High school for me was a time of learning more about myself and continuing my dreams. School work was extremely important throughout my high school career but also having fun. Even though no life-changing events happened in high school, I learned even a greater bit about myself, and my faith continued to grow with every year. Youth fellowship at my church became very important to me, and I can truthfully contribute the grateful, nonjudging individual that I am today to these years. As my faith continued to grow, I continued to grow into a better, well-rounded individual. When asked how to define yourself, some people may only have to talk about a certain chapter of their life, but I think that you are only defined by what you have done and where you are going; therefore, to conclude what it is like to be me, I have to talk about my dreams for the future. My plans right now are to graduate with a degree in chemistry and later on get a masters and doctorate so that I can refurbish and create pharmaceuticals for cancer patients. I

can truthfully acknowledge the events and tragedies that have led me to this point in life as the points in my life that lead me to this career path. So when I am asked what it is like to be me, I can simply reply, I am a hard-working, modest person who has gone through a lot, but I would not change a single event in my life knowing that it has lead me to the person I am today. Thankfully, I can say that my familys dedication and the events that have led up to the life I am living now have shaped me completely and will forever tell the story of what it is like to be me.

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