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Urban Hearths Basic Characteristics advanced and planned cities specialization of labor (social hierarchy or stratification) complex institutions

tions (governments and religions) record keeping (writing system) advanced technology (agriculture and other areas)

When urban areas did not start to develop until 8000 years ago. the "modern city" is only about 200 years old Mesopotamia the city or Ur was the greatest city of ancient Sumer located on Tigris and Euphrates Ships could stop in safe harbors the great Ziggurat could be seen from a great distance. symbolized protection. religious controlled and focused social hierarchy- displayed by size and design of houses palaces built for the ruling class, temples dominated the cultural landscape lack of waste disposal- killed many formed around 3500 bc. -site of first civilization, first language (kinaeform), and first agriculture Nile River Valley 3200 bc there was a social hierarchy that dveloped no walled in cities which was strange for the time power was in control of the irrigation canals. whoever owned the irrigation was powerful movement of people because of floods. optimistic societies religion/ king holds power Indus Valley 2200 bce Mohenjo Daro and Harappa were major cities grid system ran the road north and south (widest) and east and west (half the size) and so forth zoned: artisans separated from residential areas, citadel- large platform area believed to be the first administrative building. often found statues at corners resembling religious meaning

buildings, temples, and public baths indoor plumbing organization- standardized bricks clear understanding of traffic with grid systems, covered drains, and rounded corners. houses were roughly the same size: egalitarian society (meaning that people were all equal), 2 story houses and indoor plumbing.

Huang He and Wei River not much is left due to the materials (wood) for us to use as a reference bronze cast/ grave sites, and oracle bones. walled village with the urban elite, emperor or King, inside this structure. it was complex because of the planning around the river and canal system, technology in irrigation/ agriculture

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