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TEAM NAME:REVOLUTION Shantanu Agarwal, Anapurna Monga , Oshin Agarwal Stream B.

Tech Branch CSE, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Phone no:9044155702 E-mail: Stream B.Tech Branch ECE, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Phone no:8400701575 E-mail: Stream B.Tech Branch CSE, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Phone no:9532912337 E-mail:


In this abstract we are going to focus on the main aspects of our project work which is to make a tachometer. A tachometer is an instrument measuring the rotation speed of a shaft or disk, as in a motor or other machine. For the tachometer , first we have to make sensor circuit which will give pulses per rotation. The sensor module includes IR ,laser transmitters and receivers .Then,we count the number of pulses coming out in fixed interval and calibrate that count to RPM and display it on Seven segment display. So the tachometer consists of 4 main components comparator, counter ,D-flip flop which is connected to the timer and finally the 8-bit display.

In this the comparator ,converts analog signals from the IR sensors to digital signals.The counter counts the no of pulses and these are stored in D-flipflop to which a 555 IC is attached.555 IC is a timer IC whenever 555 IC gives output 1 to D-flipflop,the flipflop gate opens and sends the signal to the 7-segment display which displays the rotation speed. Here below is the flow chart of the components used.

IR Sensor



D-flip flop

8-bit display


A counter circuit is a circuit that can count decimal numbers. The block diagram of a counter is shown:

Once a clock signal is applied to the clock input it is counted from 0 to 9 repeatedly. While counting, applying a clock pulse to the Reset pin it is let to count again from zero. Also applying a clock pulse to the Latch pin it can be latched the counting value at the time. It can be counted 0 to 99 by using two above mentioned circuit parts as shown in figure :

Similarly a counter with any number of digits can be constructed by adding circuit parts so on. Hence two 7-segment displays are used. Below is a circuit diagram of the tachometer:

Snapshots of the completed work:

The tachometer is almost completed. The time required for completion is one week. References:

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