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ASSESSMENT OF ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL) Patient's Name : Encik Ahmad Registration No.

: xxxxxxx DATE ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING What pateint can or cannot perform by herself/himself PATIENT'S PROBLEM ACTUAL/POTENTIAL Risk for injury related to right hemeparesis and loss of extremities.

09.1.11 Maintaining a safe environment to 14.1.11 Bed and bed side rail are always locked and up after each procedure/s. Communication Patient is able to talk clear and in full sentences. Breathing Patient is having short of breath especially during exertion. Eating and Drinking Patient can eat and drink by himself and is tolerating orally well. Eliminating Patient is on bed pan and urinal

Breathing pattern impairment related to pleural fluid build-up. Risk for body nutrition excess related to high glucose level. Self care deficit: elimination related to limited mobility as evidence by patient is having right hemeparesis and below knees amputation.

Personal cleaning and dressing Patient needs help in bathing, washing and dressing himself due to right side hemeparesis.

Bathing/hygiene deficit related to loss of ability to use the right arm and hand as evidence by patient is having right hemeparesis. Risk for infection related to pleural tapping. Impaired physical mobility related to right hemeparesis and loss of extremities. Disturbed sleep pattern related to coughing and SOB. Disturbed body image related to amputation of both lower legs Sexuality dysfunction related to right hemeparesis and BKA NIL

Controlling body temperature Patient is afebrile during his stay in the hospital Mobility Patient needs help in moving around. Wife always around to help. Sleep Sleep on and off due to cough. Working and Playing Patient's entertainment are reading newspaper, watching tv, sitting on wheelchair outside his house and doing Sexuality Patient's wife still alive. Dying NIL

ASSESSMENT OF ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL) Patient's Name : Mohammed Registration No.: 679010 DATE ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING What pateint can or cannot perform by herself/himself PATIENT'S PROBLEM ACTUAL/POTENTIAL Risk for injury related body weakness, seizures, headache, and visual Risk for bleeding related to low platelet count. Communication Patient is able to talk clear and in full sentences. Breathing Patient did not complain of difficulty in breathing Risk for confusion related to increased intracranial Risk for respiration alteration related to increased metabolism. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to weakness and loss of appetite Self care deficit: elimination related to limited mobility as evidence by patient is having right hemeparesis and below knees amputation.

09.1.2011 Maintaining a safe environment Bed and bed side rail are always locked and up after each 12.1.2011 procedure/s. Floor must be dry and not slippery to prevent from fall. Avoid sharp objects and fall to prevent from bruises and cuts.

Eating and Drinking Patient complained of loss of appetite Eliminating Patient can walk and go to toilet by himself

Personal cleaning and dressing Patient needs help in bathing, washing and dressing himself due Bathing/hygiene deficit to right side hemeparesis. related to loss of ability to use the right arm and hand as evidence by patient is having right hemeparesis and BKA Controlling body temperature Patient is afebrile during his stay in the hospital Mobility Patient needs help in moving around. Wife always around to help.

Risk for infection related to pleural tapping. Impaired physical mobility related to neurologic deficit causing right hemeparesis and loss of extremities.


Sleep on and off due to cough.

Sleep distubance related to disease process as evidence by patient is coughing and SOB.

Working and Playing Patient's entertainment are reading newspaper, watching tv, sitting on wheelchair outside his house and doing physiotheraphy exercise. Sexuality Patient's wife still alive. Dying NIL

Activity intolerance related to right hemeparesis and loss of extremities NIL NIL

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