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Unit 6, the short story

Step 1: Journal, I failed jail When I opened my eyes, and realized I was in jail, I was so confused to be in a jail cell. Last night must have been a fail, I wonder what happen to my friends? They must have bailed out on me. Who knows, all I remember is riding in the car with Gail and waking up here. I do remember listening to the new before I left home and hearing there was going to be a hailstorm in a few days, but I wasnt too worried about it. I wonder if I had been here long enough to receive mail? Now that I think about it, I dont know how long Ive been in here, my nails look terrible and I was in desperate need of a manicure. This jail was kind of broke down; there was a pail in the center of the room catching rain from the leaking roof and there was duck take along the rails of the walk way. I needed to sail out of her fast! There was no way I could get out of here without every guard being on my tail. Sneaking out would be a fail, I guess I have to just sit it out; the worst part is I dont even know why Im in jail to begin with.

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