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Why are Millions of sermons not changing anything in the lives of many believers today?

Because it says many millions other things, but for this little secret knowledge still hidden to many.

As we wait for imminent Rapture of Saints, may you use this little divine secret knowledge to always defeat the devil and be a permanent over comer in the Lord for great works in building the kingdom of God, until you leave to be with him for eternity. Just carefully read to the end without hurrying; and I pray the Holy Spirit will open your mind to get the point! There are natural Divine Laws of God that governs all creation in the Universe. For instance, the sun, moon, stars, plants, animals, birds, fish etc, functions under a natural divine Law or norms of governance. What then of man whom God created in his image? Brethren, what was the Fall in the garden of Eden all about ?: DISOBEDIENCE!!! Genesis 1:1-13! Disobedience to what? Gods DIVINE LAW OF GOVERNANCE! So, the whole bible is all about restoration back to OBEDIENCE-which is resubmission to divine Law of governance. God through the means of the blood

of Jesus Christ, freely gives us the Holy Spirit(meaning GRACE), to patiently restore us back to OBEDIENCE. Brethren, any other gospel of salvation by grace in LAWLESSNESS that wanders away from this central point, is Satans disguised tricks to trap you for hell. Watch out!!!! Which then are those natural divine Laws or norms of governance which God predestined man to function on, but have been distorted through the fall? This is what the bible is all about, from Genesis to Revelations! Yes, all about restoration unto obedience. Obedience to Gods divine Laws or norms of governance. If you get this clue, then you get the key into eternity with the LORD, as you go studying the bible in search of life. It is based on this Law of divine governance that our Lord Jesus Christ said: Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest details of the Law will be done away with-not until the end of all things. So, then, whoever disobeys even the least important of the commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be least in the kingdom of heaven Matthew 5:17-20. The creator of the Universe has the right to impose his Laws of divine governance on his creatures! Once upon a time, God created man and assigned to him divine Laws for his good functioning. The Word: Thou shall not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil Genesis 2:15-17, is the demonstration of a Law of governance between the creator and his creatures. It is unfortunate that Satan who had rebelled against this divine Law of governance with his creator, stepped in and distorted man from functioning on it, and so was totally derailed to begin functioning in rebellion to it. His creator- God knowing that man had only been seduced by the first rebel(Satan) to act as such, embarked on a program to restore him back to submission to it, as was before the fall-thus comes the word: Born again John 3:3. Born again into the Divine Law of governance between man and his creator,

meaning the kingdom of God, which Jesus Christ asked us to seek to get into it first, before the secondary things begin to flow. Yes, because the secondary things were ours and what deprived us from them, was the going out from the Law of Divine governance since Adam and Eve. So when we get back to it, it is automatic that they will begin to flow. That is what Matthew 7:33 is all about: Seek thee for the kingdom of God first, and all these other things will be yours as well. So, this is the whole secret about salvation of soul, which we dont need millions of sermons to be able to understand. When we get this clue, then it becomes very easy to collaborate with the Holy Spirit in the redemption process as we repent from our sins and turn to the Lord. Yes, without which the devil will exploit our ignorance and turn us round and round unnecessary things. Therefore, an intelligent believer who will want to serve his or herself from all the various sorts of distorted teachings and manipulations of the devil to keep being toasted in a defeated life from left to right , will simple asked himself this question: What are the divine Laws or norms of governance which God predestined me to function on, but have been distorted by Satan and which God has embarked to restore me back to them? This is the question God is answering with the bible when he says: This book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall MEDITATE on it DAY and NIGHT, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it, for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success Joshua 1:8. When you master the RULES OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE on which God operates and OBEY them (Live by them through the Holy Spirit ), you defeat the devil completely. This is the category of believer that the ancient and wise serpent will fear, and not just those who know only how to bind and cast demons. And this is why we find God warning us again and again that Satan will change

His Times and Laws, and we believers in Christ will OBEY him(Daniel 7:25). If his Times and Laws werent important, he wont have been warning us, and the Lord will not have been calling our attention to what Daniel had said, in relation to his second coming in Matthew 24:15. Therefore failing to study and meditate on the word of God day and night as to OBEY ALL that is written in it, and not some; and not searching to know those times and Laws of God that Satan has changed and the Saints are obeying, is consciously refusing to get back to function on the Law of divine governance and be completely victorious over Satan and his demons(2nd Corinth 10:6). So, SALVATION BY GRACE in Jesus Christ for eternity with God, is all about God freely leading us in patients, through the Holy Spirit, back into his Law of divine governance, before distortion came in from the devil. It has nothing to do with miracles and wonders, financial and material prosperity, healing, marriage a good comfortable life etc. Because these are just the secondary that may flow or not, as God so wishes like we see with some of the various cases: John the Baptist going to heaven by his head being chopped off, Paul going to heaven with sickness in his body, Peter going to heaven being crucified upside down, John Sung one of Chinas greatest revivalist going to heaven on the sick bed, Watchman Nee going to heaven with sickness in his body, as well as many other martyrs who went to heaven through being roasted in fire, eaten by lions or buried alive etc. Why did God allow this? Because he uses it to challenge the devil to see how people love and save him not for the secondary things. We must understand that fighting with the devil started only with the New Testament. You know how the devil told God, how Job was serving him because of the gains he got out of it. God is carefully planning the New eternity of 100% submission to Divine Law of governance so that no angle or human beings will ever attempt what Satan did. Through the demonstration of our Love towards him even unto death, he equally uses it to teache the angles the loyal love of man to Him even at the cost of his own live.

This will further cement their loyalty to him and seal the doors of any future repetition of Satans folly. Imagine if God just destroyed the devil when he rebelled! The others would have been serving him out of fear than Love, and therefore no guarantee to God that Satans error will not produce itself again. In the old Testament, God led his people into physical battles with their physical enemies, while in the New Testament it is a spiritual battle with spiritual enemy who is Satan and his demons(Fight is not against blood and flesh but principalities.Ephesians6:10-13). Yes, that is why we see certain wonderful things which happened in the old Testament to serve obedient men of God from death, didnt happen to those in the New Testament. We see like: - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego(Daniel 3:25), walking life in the lake of fire, while in the new testament martyrs set on fire got roasted to ashes. - Daniel in the den of Lions but not eaten(Daniel 6:22), while martyrs were eaten up by lions. - Jeroboams hand was paralyzed when he stretched it against the man of God from Bethel(1kings 12:4-6), but in the new Testament, people slapped Jesus, and flogged the Apostles, but their hands were not paralyzed. Spat in the face of Jesus, but their mouth never twisted. - Abraham, David, Solomon etc lord themselves on abundant material wealth, but Jesus Christ was born in the lowest place-where they kept animals, was a common carpenter who didnt even own a house! The apostle were instead called to abandon their jobs(material wealth) to follow Jesus while instead many today are following Jesus for Jobs and material wealth! The rich man in Luke was ordered to sell his wealth and follow Jesus, many even went on hunger suffered in many ways etc(Hebrew 10:32-34). The pattern of the Old Testament was earthward with God dealing with a physically chosen people and blessing them materially, given them victory

over physical enemies! while the New Testament pattern is Heavenward with God blessing every nation on earth with eternal spiritual blessing of kingdom of God through repentance from sins. John the Baptized open the page of the New Testament with: Repent for the Kingdom of God is near(Mat3:2)! Jesus did same; and the Apostles till date. In the New testament, it is seek thee for the kingdom of God first, and Religion does not make a person very rich, if he is satisfied with what he has. What did we bring into the world? Nothing! So then if we have food and clothes that should be enough for us. But does who want to get rich fall into temptation and are caught in the trap of many foolish and harmful desires, which pull them down to RUIN and DESTRUCTION. For the Love of Money is a source of all evil. Some have been so eager to have it that they have wandered away from the faith and have broken their hearts with many sorrows 1ST Timothy 6:6-10. The New Testament is quite different from the Old pattern isnt it? You may be encouraged on working hard and investing in the building of the kingdom of God because every born again child of God is a hard worker like God Himself is, and not working to gain the world for yourself so that people will see how wonderful God is blessing you. Satan blesses materially too!!! So this is not Gods priority for us. Not only in the New Testament, but we find many of his servants who served him equally in the Old Testament without material wealth e.g: Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel etc. Certainly they never tried to covet the Ministry of Abraham, David, Solomon and wanted to serve God with material wealth like them. But they obviously learned one thing or the other from them that helped them in their Ministry, without being seduced to want to have wealth like them. They understood that God was the sovereign master and does with each of his servant what he wants.

So, it is important for every servant of the Lord to know what God wants him to do and be doing it, than want to covet the way someone is carrying out his own Ministry. If you are a real servant of the Lord and wants to act as such, be sure you will move astray for your own very destruction. It never works with God like that. That said, they suffered like Christ because as we said, God wanted to use their willful sufferings unto death for the Lord, to shame the devil. They had the gift of Spiritual Sabbath rest of Hebrew 4:9 which is LIKE Gods weekly Sabbaths REST of the 7th Day(4th Commandment), is Gods free gift to any true born again child of God, who has found and is traveling on the NARROW HARD road of radical OBEDIENCE(sufferings) leading to Heaven(Mat. 7:14). Use of Like is comparative not REPLACING weekly Sabbath. It is never a gift for those believers traveling the LARGE EASY COMFORTABLE road leading to hell, since it will be of no use to them. It is a gift for those sharing the sufferings of Christ because it produces: joy, peace and comfort in them. Now I rejoice in my sufferings.complete what is lacking in Christs sufferings..Col.1:24 Therefore, poor people, the sick, unmarried, jobless etc, will enter the kingdom of God, but none with a known single DISOBEDIENCE OF GODS WORD, will enter, else Satan will accuse God of injustice. So, SALVATION BY GRACE, is not LAWLESSNESS as it is written: So also our beloved brother wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, speaking of this as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, beware lest you be carried away with the ERROR OF LAWLESS men and lost your own stability(2nd Peter 3:15-17). Again Paul says Does this mean that by this FAITH we do away with the LAW? No, not at all; instead we uphold the LAW Romans 3:31. When the Lord must have finished with this his program of restoration, he will

destroy forever the source of distortion which is the devil and all those who refused restoration to remain in disobedience, in the eternal lake of fire . This after, he has destroyed this physical world as it is written: - But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then, the heavens will pass away with a loud noise and the elements will be dissolved with re, and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned up. Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will kindled and dissolved with re, and the element will melt with re ( 2nd Peter 3:10-13). Then everything will be brought back to normal as it was in the beginning before the fall. Therefore, the New heavens and earth to begin, with divine Laws of governance ruling over man as God had intended from the beginning of creation. Thus the bible says: - Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the rst heaven and the rst earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the Holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them; He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away. And He who sat on the throne said Behold I make all things new. Also he said, Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true(Revelation 21:1-6, Rev3: 12). -I am making a new earth and new heavens. The events of the past will be completely forgotten. Be glad and rejoice forever in what I create. The New Jerusalem I make will be full of joy, and her people will be happy. I myself will be lled with joy because of Jerusalem and her people. There Will be no weeping there, no calling for help. Babies will no longer die in infancy, and all people will live out their life span. Those who live to be a hundred will be

considered young. To die before that would be a sign that I had punished them. (But since there will no longer be Satan to seduce us to sin? No longer will there be sins). People will build houses and live in them themselves-they will not be used by someone else. They will plant vineyards and enjoy the wine it Will not be drunk by others. They will fully enjoy the things that they had worked for. The work they do will be successful, and their children will not meet with disaster. I will bless them and their descendants for all times to come. Even before they nish praying to me, I will answer their prayers. Wolves and lambs will eat straw, as cattle do, and snake will no longer be dangerous On Zion, my sacred hill, there will be nothing harmful or evil ( Isaiah 65:17-25 GNs). From this text, we understand that the people are restored back to functioning under divine Law of governance. They operate now no longer on the sphere of the knowledge of good and evil which brought death, but the Holy Spirit in perfect communion with God, living under divine Law of governance as Adam and Eve were in the garden, before the devil seduced them. Equally, wolves, lambs, cattle snake etc will be back into divine Law of governance before Satan intruded. The book: Imminent End of the world link: 0bgcaa.php explains in details the whole process of how all this is going to take place and we have a new heaven and earth where life will be as we see in the text above. Or you dont believe in the truthfulness of the whole scriptures? I believe and the Lord has open my mind to understand how all is going to happen. Therefore, LAW is every word that comes out of the mouth of God for man to obey. The whole bible from Genesis to revelation is the LAW of God which has been obeyed in two ways: 1) Old Testament by LAW OF WORKS(Human works ). 2) New Testament by Law of the Spirit(Holy Spirit). In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit through Christ, leads us into obedience of

the LAWS in the Old Testament that still remain to be obeyed, and put away those that the body of Christ abolished-those clearly spelled out by Jesus in Matthew 5, and some others as the Holy Spirit leads . So, the LAW of works, which were some ceremonial laws and offering of sacrifices as well as some hard societal measures, which were all human efforts aimed at pleasing God, gave way to the Law of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. That is why we need assurance of being baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit after we believed (Act 19:1-7). Therefore, if we start teaching people that there is no Law of God but grace without knowing the differences between temporal Law of works in the Old Testament, then we are promoting Lawlessness. We must be very careful on this because the LORD has warned us saying: My brothers not MANY of you should be TEACHERS. As you know , we TEACHERS will be judged with greater strictness than others James 3:1 When we say there is no Law but grace, then turn to say: Thou shall not steal, lie, kill, etc. Is this not Law? You will certainly say yes! Is the bible then contradictory? No, we are the ones not understanding the scriptures. Adam and Eve who were leaving by grace with the Lord -since grace is something we dont merit and they never merited being created and being in perfect communion with God through the Holy Spirit , disobeyed Him and ate what many of us today will call Just a common fruit. Where they Spared? No!!!! Is it you and me who will be spared today on basis of being saved by grace? Certainly no!!! The devil seems today, to be a very strong preacher of a counterfeit salvation by grace in Lawlessness, and many believers have been caught up in this Satanic deception. Satan knows very well that anyone who lives a Lawless life will join him and his demons in hell. He knows that no believer who consciously live in disobedience to Gods Laws, will have complete dominion over him because the scriptures says plainly: You will be ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is

complete 2nd Corinth 10:3-6. Therefore, in this restoration process back to submission to the Law of divine governance, I must be careful not to fall in Satanic teachings of counterfeit salvation by grace in Lawlessness. With the much confusion in the church of Today, the best thing to do will be to listen to what Jesus Christ the Chief Judge says. And the best way to do this, is to carefully study and be well attached those conditions he gave for any believer who wants to enter the kingdom of Heaven, which are: 1) Do you best to go in through the narrow door; because many people will SURELY TRY TO GO IN BUT WILL NOT BE ABLE TO Luke 13:24. Be honest to ask the Lord to tell you whether you are one of those trying to go in through the narrow door but will not be able to, so that you can cry before him to help you through. 2) Go in through the NARROW GATE because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. But the GATE to life is NARROW and the way that leads to it is HARD and there are FEW PEOPLE who find it Matthew 7:13-14. Pray and asked God to show you on which way you are, rather than just assume that you are save by grace . He will show you where to adjust if need be before it becomes too late. 3) Many are called but only FEW ARE CHOSEN Matthew 22:14. Be assured by him if you are amongst the few in the many believers who have been called. 4) Any man who looks at a woman lustfully is guilty of committing adultery with her in his heart. So if your right eye causes you to sin take it out and throw it away! It is much better for you to lose a part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into hell. If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off Matthew 5:27-30. What is our emotional heart attitude towards the opposite sex? Or we carry out sexual immorality in thoughts and action

and say we are saved by grace in the Lord!

5) Happy are those who are pure in heart, for they shall see God Matthew 5:8. Ask the Lord to expose your heart to the light so that you may be honest to see how it is and do something about it. May be hatred, anger, bitterness, stinginess, pride, unforgiving spirit, pride, gluttony, self-centeredness, strife, lying, stealing, immorality, intolerance, racial or color discrimination etc, is still there. The list of over 210 possible Idols in the human heart and how to handle them on page 225-228 of the book Imminent End of world link: cjt75d0bgcaa.php 6) Whoever says to his brother, You fool, shall be liable to hell fire Matthew 5:22-23. Are you that one with a very bitter mouth of insults and slanders, and say we are saved by grace in Jesus? 7) Dont be glad because the evil spirits obey you rather make sure your names are written in Heaven Luke 10: 18-20. Are you just exited in some casting of demons and making people to fall as is the show business today? Rather find out with the Lord if you are really on the right tract to eternity. 8) Not everyone who calls me Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of HEAVEN, but all those who do what my father in heaven wants them to do..When judgment day comes, many will say to me Lord, Lord,! In your name we prophecy, cast out demons, healthen I will tell say I never knew you! Get away from me you wicked people Matthew 7:21-23. Check yourself with the Lord and stop just assuming things. 9) I tell you, you will, then, that you will be able to ENTER the Kingdom of Heaven if only you are more faithful than the teachers of the LAW and the Pharisees in doing what God requires(obeying God) Matthew 5:20. The teachers of the Law and Pharisees, faithfully thought the LAW, but never obeyed it. Here our Lord is asking us to be more faithful in TEACHING the

word(Law) and obeying it more than they did. So our grace in the Lord is to help us do this by the help of the Holy Spirit, and not to disobey them on claims of being saved by grace. 10) There was a man who had a fig-tree growing in his vineyard. He went looking for figs on it but found none! So he said to his gardener , Look, for three years I have been coming here looking for figs on this tree, and I havent found any, cut it down! Why should it go on using up the soil? But the gardener answered, Leave it alone, sir, just one more year; I will dig round it and put in some manure. Then if the tree bears figs next year, so much the better; if not , then you can have it cut down Luke 13:6-11. Verify with the Lord if you are not in the situation of the text above, because you might long have being cut off and thrown. 11) Since then the good news about the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone FORCES his way in. But it is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the smallest detail of the LAW to be done away with Luke 16:17. Are you lukewarm and very comfortable in your attitude towards sins claiming to be saved by grace? 12) Then the kingdom of heaven shall be compared to ten virgin girls who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and ve were wise. For when the foolish t ook their lamps, they took no oil with them; but the wise took asks of oil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. But at midnight there was a cry Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him. Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out. But the wise replied, perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you; go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. Afterwards the other maidens came also, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But He replied Truly I say to you, I

do not know you Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. Matthew 25:13. Verify with the Lord to know if you are not one of the foolish virgins carrying the word of God around but lacking the indwelling holy spirit and its power of transformation. You can add the list. If we believe in the word of Jesus and take them to be final, then reading these texts, we will all acknowledge the sincere truth that there is a distorted comfortable teachings of Salvation by grace in Lawlessness preached today. Yes, our Lord Jesus Christ warned of the great DECEPTIONS of the last days; and they are going on unnoticed by believers. These words of our Lord Jesus Christ, shows clearly that, without a radical obedience to the word of God(Law), no one will enter the kingdom of heaven, contrary to the easy comfortable gospel of entertainment we have today. This because, entering the kingdom of God, means re-submission as was in the beginning, to divine Law of governance. So, rebellion to the word of God(Law) after conviction of the Holy Spirit is rejecting law of divine governance and automatically not entering the kingdom. Is just like the a magnetic force in operation with DISOBEDIENCE pulling us whether we like it or not to hell, and OBEDIENCE PULLING us into the kingdom of God. Yes, the devil is on most pulpits today. One needs to be very careful. As conclusion therefore, there is only ONE fundamental problem existing between man and God which is: DISOBEDIENCE. And God has freely given us back the Holy Spirit to help and lead us OBEY, so collaborate with him to OBEY.

I believe in the word of Jesus Christ Himself that says: Many are called, but only very few are chosen". What is Law? I believe Law is every word of God that we must obey. The whole bible from Genesis to revelation is the Law of God. But this Law has been obeyed in two ways: 1st in the old testament when the holy Spirit was not yet there, through Works of the Law. Which means human efforts aim at pleasing God and offering of sacrifices. 2ndly in the NEW testament through the holy Spirit.. So when we talk of no longer under the Law in the New TESTAMENT, it means works of the Law and not that the Laws of God have been abolished. That is why Jesus said clearly " Remember that as long as heaven and earth exist, not the least point nor smallest detail of the LAW will be done away with.." Matthew 5:17-20. So, I believe what Jesus Christ said, than analysis of men....He is my chief Judge not men... Did you ever read Daniel 7:25, when God said Satan will changed his Right Times and Laws and believers will obey him? Is exactly what has happen... The Romans Changed the 4th Commandments through Roman Emperor Constantine who passed a Law around 321 after Christ, making Sunday a day of worship by Law and banning Worship on Saturdays Jesus Christ warned in Matthhew 24:15, that if we see those abominable things which Prophet Daniel was talking of standing in the holy Place, then we be careful that his return is near. The holy place of God today, is the hearts of Christians.

We are the temple of God where he stays by the Holy Spirit. With the coming of Jesus Christ, the physical Temple in Jerusalem ceased to be the holy place of worship. As Jesus told the Samaritan woman that the Time has come when true worshipers of God will worship him no longer in Jerusalem but in spirit and truth. Where ever 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, I'm in their midst. So, the question now is, which are those abominations standing in the holy place of God that Jesus said Daniel talked of? The wrong Times and Laws that Satan has ,introduced and the Saints are obeying him..... Amongst this this wrong Times and Laws, we have the 4th commandments of God concerning the weekly Sabbaths. You know we have 3 types of Sabbaths in the bible. When you will read this link, you will understand the various different Sabbaths: I) Gods Sabbath rest of physical Creation(Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11). II) Gods Sabbath rest in redemption(Hebrew 4:8-11). III) Ceremonial Sabbaths( Leviticus 16:29:31, Numbers 29:1-2, Numbers 28:2630) The Sabbath of the 4th Commandment of God, which is the weekly SABBATH, came into being in Genesis before man eve sinned. This means that if man did not sinned, he would have continued sanctifying the weekly Sabbaths. That is why we are still going to meet it in the new heaven and earth that God will create after the destruction of this present one. Isaiah 66:23 says " In the new heaven and earth, on every Sabbath my people will worship me....." Read it...

I know God speaks in one way or another. What I know is that, he knows all his children, and will call their attention to confirm to his will at all cost. And his real children will hear his voice and follow him....." My sheep will hear my voice and follow me" . The very few who are chosen out of the large numbers of believers who are called, are the real sheep of the Lord and such will never follow the crowd or what the Lord called the large road to hell.

Be blessed as you read on. Sincerely Br. Ezra Orando Chea A.

Non-denominational Bible Teaching Ministry for the Perfecting of Saints in Ready for the Rapture

Tel: (237) 77310370 (237)22080693

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