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Gavin Breadon Scholarship

The committee is looking for applicants with similar interests & leadership skills that are most like Gavin Breadon. Each person will receive one
point for each year involved in sports, or leadership activities listed below. Please fill in the name of an advisor, coach, or supervisor that can verify
your years on the team.

Name: Phone Number:

College Attending: GPA:

Activities Years & Grades you were involved in Advisor/Coach Phone # Points
High School Football Fresh. Soph. Jr. Sr. ______________________
High School Wrestling Fresh. Soph. Jr. Sr. ______________________
High School Swim Team Fresh. Soph. Jr. Sr. ______________________
YMCA Gator Swim Team ________________________________Year(s) Involved: ____________
Monroe Area Swim Team_________________________________Year(s) Involved: ____________
Volunteer for Mat Rats __________________________________Year(s) Involved: ____________
What did you do as a Mat Rat volunteer?________________________________________________
Participant in Mat Rats Year(s) Involved: ____________________ ______________________
Coach for Mat Rats Year(s) as Coach:____________________ ______________________
A Lifeguard Year(s) Involved: ____________________ ______________________
Where did you lifeguard? ____________________________________________________________
Swim Team Coach Year(s) as Coach:____________________ ______________________
Where did you coach?_______________________________________________________________

Total Points ______

*Please attach a copy of your scholarship essay and experience list with this form

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